Sport protein shake for women?

Sport Fitness
I have recently lost 10 pounds with just working out and watching my diet but I would like to lose a few more pounds and feel that I am just stuck.

Is there a protein shake that is good for women that any can suggest?
I am not trying to bulk up..just look more lean and lose a couple pounds.

Also, when is best to drink a protein shake...morning or before a workout?!?

Thanks so much!

may i add... im 22/f weighing 135, height 5'5
Well, there are different kinds of protein and they are good for different parts of the day. Whey protein is faster absorbing and is best just before and just after a weight workout, to help get the protein to the muscles fast for recovery. Casin protein is slower absorbing and is good at other times of the day to sustain. There is also soy protein, which I know less about, it's of course great for vegans that don't eat dairy, from which whey and casin are derived. Bottom line though is the best times are just before and after your workout, and take whey protein during those times.

Also, oddly enough, even though whey protein is faster absorbing, it helps you feel full for longer. So it's good in that respect for weight loss as you won't get hungry again as quickly.
There is no protein shake for "women" or "men".

Most straight-protein shakes like "Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard", derive all calories almost 99% from protein itself. So any protein supplement will work for you.

Advice above is informative as well.
Just know that eating more protein won't help you lose more weight.. If you want to lose more weight and you start drinking protein shakes you will be getting in more calories (assuming you eat "normal" food just as before)
workout routine

when i go to the gym i normally warm up on the elliptical for 30-40 minutes
then i do some lifting...
-lat pulldowns
-seated row
-bicep and tricep
-inner and outer thighs
-leg press

--i usually dont do all of these in one day..i just upper body one day lower body the other
and sometimes after this i ride the bike for about 3 miles or walk briskly on the treadmill at an incline.

i dont think i do enough reps of the lifting tho i do about 3 or 4 sets of 12 and thats it...should i be doing more?

i lost some weight i just dont feel 'toned' which is my next goal.
I agree you need to round out the weight training for the rest of your body, chest for example is completely missing. There is no right number of reps and sets. Higher reps builds endurance, lower reps with heavier weight builds strength. Bottom line is it's good to mix it up, both the number of reps and sets, as well as the specific exercises for each body part. Otherwise your body adapts to what you're doing and progress slows, which is what you've seen happen. So for example for your legs, instead of doing leg presses each time you do lower body, do squats next time, then the next lower body day do lunges, then next time do bent knee and stiff leg dead lifts, etc...

One other point on your cardio. For wieght loss it's best to do the bulk of your cardio after your wieght workout. You only need 5 or 10 min before to warm up assuming you are starting to generate body heat in that amount of time.
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I'm a female and member of the gym XSport. I have never cared for the protein shakes, but I plateued and knew I needed something different. I added in the shakes after each of my workouts and I can feel a difference and see one. I got the chocolate flavor! haha