Protein question

I asked my girfriens to pick me up some protein. I usually go with the myoplex whey protein. She bought some walmart protein.

Does it really matter? Isn't protein, protein? Or does the brand matter? I just need to adjust serving size correctly?


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There are several types of protein, whey just comes from one type, its a good idea to get a range of protein and not just one type. Things like protein from meat, fish, soya and nuts for example.

I have no idea on the specifics of different brands but I'd imagine that the better quality stuff costs more and probably has fewer refined elements or more nutrients added. You'd be best to ask a premium brand why they charge so much and see why they feel their brand is better then the one you have.
Its all the same - I once worked for a lab that tested the stuff. The low end generic brand was actually made by the same company that made the higher end brand - it just had different packaging.
Well, whey isolate is whey isolate, but not all protein powders are whey isolate. There's a fair amount of research done showing that a blend of whey plus slower digesting proteins like casein and egg protein does a better job of maintaining protein synthesis/positive nitrogen balance than whey alone.

Whey just digests too fast. A blended protein is the 'best' of both worlds...but definitely isn't a magic pill to get huge :)
Whey protein is great right after a workout or immediately in the morning. The problem with whey is that it does digest too fast, leaivng the rest that your body cant use to be stored as fat. The main types of protein are whey, cassein, egg, collagen and soy. Cassein is better taken when you cant eat for several hours such as before work and/or especially before bed. Collagen is also great at making you feel more full and has some other baratric uses as well.
Hey new workout person here. I went into GNC once and they told me there was a difference in the two protein I was using. One was a "fast" release or something and the other wasn't so I think they told me the slow release made me gain weight??? Is that right?
No thats not really accurate, actually the reverse is more true. Whey and cassein are usually the two proteins that people talk about when discussing protein digestion rates. Whey digests the quickest of all the forms of protein. Your body can only process so much of this type of protein at once, and what is not used gets stored as fat. Cassein digest much more slowly and release a steady supply of protein to your body, not ideal for post workout, but for before bed its perfect. A blend of these proteins usually producess the best results for 'meal replacement' during the day. Ill use IDS' New Whey when I dont have time to prepare a meal at work because it has a blend of whey, cassein, and collagen. It tastes great and has 42g of protein.
You can take the whey with some food if you want it to digest slower.. or just use some high fat milk, that works too.
Other than that, it doesn't really matter. There are a lot of different whey brands, but in the end you should really just go for what gives you the most protein for your money, unless you're hung up on additives and stuff like that.
Seeing how whey protein digests fast, i was thinking maybe I could just use a protein shake as a meal replacement through out the day?

I was thinking something along the lines of this

Meal 1: Egg whites w/ chopped spinach, chopped red onion, and 1/4 cup of cheese -- 8 a.m.

Meal 2: Skim milk w/ 1-2 scoops of whey protein-11am-12pm

Meal 3: Turkey lettuce wrap with a slice of cheese, chopped green pepper, and a tablespoon of olive oil. 2pm-3pm

Meal 4: Skim Milk w/ 1-2 scoops of whey protein (pre-workout) 6pm

Workout from 6:30-8pm

(post workout shake 1-2 scoops of whey protein w/skim milk)

Chopped grilled chicken breast w/ low carb noodles, broccoli, and a light alfredo sauce.--9pm-9:30pm

Bed by 10:30

up at 730 in the
Seeing how whey protein digests fast, i was thinking maybe I could just use a protein shake as a meal replacement through out the day?

I was thinking something along the lines of this

Meal 1: Egg whites w/ chopped spinach, chopped red onion, and 1/4 cup of cheese -- 8 a.m.

Meal 2: Skim milk w/ 1-2 scoops of whey protein-11am-12pm

Meal 3: Turkey lettuce wrap with a slice of cheese, chopped green pepper, and a tablespoon of olive oil. 2pm-3pm

Meal 4: Skim Milk w/ 1-2 scoops of whey protein (pre-workout) 6pm

Workout from 6:30-8pm

(post workout shake 1-2 scoops of whey protein w/skim milk)

Chopped grilled chicken breast w/ low carb noodles, broccoli, and a light alfredo sauce.--9pm-9:30pm

Bed by 10:30

up at 730 in the

Just a random question; why are you supplimenting food with shakes? is it becasue the shakes taste much better to you or you hope to get more benefits from them or you cannot eat enough of food?
Why do I want to? I'm on a 3000 calorie diet ATM. Eating 2500-3000 calories is a lot for a daily basis. Its hard for me to literally eat that much food. So my thinking is, instead of drinking a 6-7 scoop protein shake after a workout, why not space it out throughout the day as a "meal" (your suppose to eat 3-5 smaller portioned meals each day :))

1. I'll be getting the same amount of protein, and as long as I hit the gym hard as I usually do it will be worth it.

2. I'm eating a pretty damn good balanced diet, so the extra protein, carbs and calories that come with the protein will help in the longer run.

3. I'm going to be consuming the same amount of protein regardless of how I take it. 1-2 scoops between breakfast and lunch. and 1-2 scoops before lunch and workout, and 2 scoops post workout/pre dinner. Or 7 scoops post workout (which is very thick mind you lol)
Ok, I see, your building. That makes sense.

Reason I ask is that so many people I see/speak to just want to maintain, build a little muscle or even lose and take to protein shakes as they believe they can't get that much protein from food or it doesn't count calorie wise or they feel they need to eat more protein to lose weight....etc and it ends up unhappy with weight gain as they don't realise that a non-building amount of protein can be sourced from food, shakes can make you gain weight and there are calories in!

Can see thats not where your at. Good luck in your search.