Protein ? please read


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Hi i just bought some protein because im not really getting enough through the day.

This is what i usually have :
Breakfast : Special K with milk
Dinner : Orange
Tea/Lunch : it depends sometimes i have speghetti or salads
Supper : i have cut this out...

This is a low carb powder carbs are 3.6g every 34g of the powder..
On the box it says

Isolate & Conentrate Blend Whey Protein 100%
the make is USN ( Ultimate sports Nutrition )
It says dietary supplement
In 34g there is 148 calories

Is this a meal replacement or is it just something to use if im out all day an unable to have any dinner.

Also when is it best to take it before or after i have been to the gym, i usually goto the gym an use a little bit of the weights then i use the treadmill and the cross trainer, after that i go swimming. Is it best to drink it after the gym before swimming ??

Thanks for reading !
Whey protein is one of the factors that contributed to my weight loss. I treat whey protein as a supplement and not a meal substitute. In the morning I include it on my breakfast which is 26g then in the afternoon after I lift weights I take it then do my cardio. This one is what suited me and what I think is best for the type of body I have. =)
After working out I drink whey protein with non-fat milk. But sometimes I also have it somewhat as a meal replacement. Like this morning I had 1/2 banana and made a whey protein shake.

But that's just me. I like the way I feel doing it this way.
Others will do different things.
Hi i just bought some protein because im not really getting enough through the day.

This is what i usually have :
Breakfast : Special K with milk
Dinner : Orange
Tea/Lunch : it depends sometimes i have speghetti or salads
Supper : i have cut this out...

Most people don't get enough protein in their diet. For example, I am 6'5" 195lbs {a little more now since Christmas :-/} and need about 170g of protein or maybe even more. I have different protein supplements that work wonders for me, but I take them pretty often - as I am trying to build muscle. I have a protein shake with about 25g of protein with each meal, plus another shake directly after working out. I try to have healthy protein rich meals. For example, I would change your breakfast from special k with milk to scrambled egg or egg whites for a protein rich breakfast.

I'm not sure what Dinner and Supper are to you, but to me, they are exchangeable words for the evening meal. By dinner, do you mean a snack? and if supper is your evening meal, I would not cut it out. It has been shown that eating 5-6 smaller meals a day is better than eating 3 bigger meals. So breakfast, lunch, dinner/supper, and snacks in between.