Protein or no Protein?

I've recently started lifting weights again after many years off. I'm an active person, usually running 3 to 4 times a week, but I don't seem to lose weight. I currently weigh 204 lbs, about 20 to 25 lbs of unwanted weight. My question is should I take protein or not, because I'm trying to cut fat while adding muscle. I'm a very stocky person naturally, and the weight doesn't look terrible on me, but I have become quite soft in the mid section. I currently do a full body workout Mon, Wed, and Fri, while i run on my off days. I want that extra oomph, and was thinking of taking nitro-tech, but I don't want to add more weight to my frame. However, it's not my weight I'm unhappy with, but my mid section. To give you an idea of my body type, I'm 5'8 and 175 to 180 is a really good weight for my frame due to my natural physique.
It's not possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, except for a bit right in the beginning. Other than that, you must choose whether you want to create a caloric deficit (to lose wt), or a caloric surplus (to help gain muscle).

That aside, it is not necessary to supplement protein while cutting or bulking, if you eat well. However, some people find it a convenient way to get in their protein requirements, in which case, it's fine. The main thing is to remember that supplements are meant to supplement your food intake, not replace it.

Your workout sounds good (full body MWF, cardio on T/Th). If you aren't seeing much change, I would suggest looking at your diet and seeing what might be adjusted. Your main issue seems to be wanting to lose fat, so you could determine your caloric needs and create a deficit from there.
basic whey protein with a measured carbohydrate such as maltodextrin or dextrose is invaluable post training, whether your looking to bulk or cut, it quickly supplies easily digestable nutrients right when you need it.

but first you need to choose whether you want to put on muscle (and a little fat with it), or lose fat (and probably some muscle with it too). you cannot do both, and 99.9% of people start getting the results they want once they decide.
Let me rephrase a bit. I'm more concerned with losing the inches more so than than the weight. With that being said, if i continue my workout schedule, add protein supplements, do you think I'll be able to achieve my goal.
Whatever your goal, the protein post workout is needed to maximise whatever you are doing.

Even if you want to slim down a bit, have Post WO protein+carb helps to retain muscle, and since it is muscle that will use the kcalories you want to burn off you want to keep as much of it as possible.

dont buy a protein pre-loaded with carbs though, buy your own separately and work out what you need from there.

ive never used nitro tech but from looking at the website it offers nothing more than any other, cheaper, proten supplement. as for the fat burners, they dont get great press on this forum or elsewhere.
id go find a good basic whey and a good carb, you are paying for the name and most of the sales pitch is nothing different to any other whey you'd buy but bumps up the cost.
dextrose. malto-dextrin.

both are carbs you can put in your shake for PWO nutrition. dextrose is very sweet, malto is not. beyond that they'll have the same effect, and dextrose (a.k.a. corn sugar) is often a little cheaper and easier to find locally (look for a local home brew shop for beer/wine your best source)

nitrean is my favorite protein powder, due to the whey + casein blend.