I've recently started lifting weights again after many years off. I'm an active person, usually running 3 to 4 times a week, but I don't seem to lose weight. I currently weigh 204 lbs, about 20 to 25 lbs of unwanted weight. My question is should I take protein or not, because I'm trying to cut fat while adding muscle. I'm a very stocky person naturally, and the weight doesn't look terrible on me, but I have become quite soft in the mid section. I currently do a full body workout Mon, Wed, and Fri, while i run on my off days. I want that extra oomph, and was thinking of taking nitro-tech, but I don't want to add more weight to my frame. However, it's not my weight I'm unhappy with, but my mid section. To give you an idea of my body type, I'm 5'8 and 175 to 180 is a really good weight for my frame due to my natural physique.