Thank you very much guys for all your expert suggestions and time. Really Appreciate!!!
Thanks mreik, evolution, manofkent.
mreik said:
i would reccomend protein & creatine, since you're a vegetarian. people's main source of creatine is in red meat,
Thanks Mreik, I have been vegetarian all my life, does that mean I may have a deficiency for Creatine stuff?
evolution said:
..add some eggs, cottage cheese, fat free milk, and nuts to your diet.
I have started to add extra nuts, eggs and milk into my diet. Thanks.
manofkent said:
Then when uve used one of two tubs of that, move on to pure whey protine (the good stuff) then try all diff types of creitne down the line.
I have checked the holland and barrett website () and could not find anything called "Designer Proteins". Though they are doing Whey Proteins. I have bought 900g of pack for a tenner (50% sale). also bought Creatine Capsules. Did I do the right thing?
Not sure what you mean by try diff type of Creatine. Holland & Barrent do only Creatine capsules, power and "BF Creatine Power". Do you mean I should try Capsules and power alternatively? Or something else?
mreik said:
.. i like MetRx, Optimum Nutrition, Biotest, Cytosport, and IDS. but those are just personal favorites..
Here is the problem, I tried looking for these products before as well. I know Fil mentioned Cytosport in another thread and looked it up the internet.
(a) I am struggling to find any of these in UK. ()
(b) I can order them on the internet from US and possibly get them shipped from US but here is the thing. which one? Because when I look on the internet each of these companies do lots of things which I can't tell one from another. e.g. (I am sorry, it has made me realise how crap my knowledge is about these suppliments. May be I need a book or mag)
e.g. MetRx, do these kinds of powders "White Box, Protein Plus, Whey, Total Nutrition Drink".
Really, I am so confused.
manofkent said:
Every one wants to rush in and get massive, but in truth, you cant get massive untill ur huge, and u cant get huge untill your big. So in the 1st few months of training its not really gonna make much diffrence what stuff u use.
I probably am bit too eager to have muscles. may be it is my "hunger" life-state. But really, I am not expecting overnight results. And there must be a techinique and things that if followed may ensure that I get to that stage sooner than later. That is all what I am trying to do and suggestions from you experts will only help me.
mreik said:
I hate that assumption. Just because you workout and take protein and/or creatine, does NOT mean you will get huge automatically. People try and try to get huge, it is just as hard if not harder than losing weight.
Thats what I have heard people saying.