protein ingredients

Hi guys,

I bought some WHEY amino product, from a American supplier (Healthynfit).
On the package stand not approved by the FDA, what does it mean?

Is it possible that this product contains animal ingredients?
And could it be possible that animal ingredients are contaminated with BSE, like in Europe?


We are trying to get covered by the FDA at work.
As far as I can tell its to do with how clean the room is where it is made. Its to protect against contamination.

The chances are it will be ok, but there really is no whey of checking.

did you spot the joke? - I crack myself up
the FDA does not regulate food supplements....that's why the product has not been 'evaluated nor endorsed by the FDA'.

whey is derived from milk protein, and milk comes from cows, so yes, whey technically is derived from animal products.

so is most of the stuff you wear (shoes, belts, cosmetics) and the oil/gas that runs your car.
yeah, its weird. supplements aren't considered a drug, and aren't really a food either, so they've gone largely unregulated forever.

when the FDA found out that you could get legal steroid like compounds, they deemed these new pro-steroids and pro-hormones to be drugs on par with true anabolic steroids, and that's how they got banned a few years back.

the full text is something like "These statements and claims have not been reviewed nor are endorsed by the FDA." and usually rambles on about speaking to your doctor first, yada yada.

its the main way supp manufacturers are not liable for any problem their product may cause, because -
1. the FDA hasn't agreed with the claims about what it can do
2. they told you to see your doctor first, so if you ignored that (and 99% do) then you're the one who mis-used the product and therefore share in the liability

that's why pretty much any supplement, you need to go read what random scientists found out via studies, rather than base it on the manufacturer's claim that 'it really works' or anecdotal evidence from other gym rats.