Weight-Loss Protein & Fat



New member
I've been trying to follow a nutrition plan that's 55% carbs, 15% protein and 30% fat (got it from wishes' handy calculator) but I'm having a problem. I always seem to go over my protein goal and under my fat goal (while staying at or under my calorie goal). How much should I worry about this?
How far over or under are you going with your numbers? Do you have some examples or percentages?
I'm not really a fan of going by percentages. 15% of your caloric goal will be a LOT different than 15% of my caloric goal. I rather use absolute numbers.

That said, if you're getting enough of the essentials in like protein, essential fats, etc.... I wouldn't sweat things much if you calories are right.
Well, the calories are off in addition to the percentages.

My current goals: Total Calories=1567 (C=862,P=235,F=470)

I'm finding the fat goal hard to hit unless I start digging into the nuts/peanut butter. Fortunately my goals just went down because I found out that I am shorter than I thought. So when I re-did my calculations for my correct height and weight my needed calories went down by about 100.

Sample Data:

1530 (C=711,P=357,F=384)
1467 (C=791,P=278,F=363)
1568 (C=713,P=275,F=477)
1644 (C=734,P=461,F=360)

(This was with my original goal of 1620kcal (C=891,P=243,F=486).)
The number is probably lower than you expect because I'm not exercising yet so I used 'sedentary' for the calculations. I'm actually sort of dreading having to add more calories when I do start exercising, I have enough trouble making these numbers. >.<
In the stickied thread in this forum - the one about nutrition guidelines -there's a link to the harris benedict equation...

that will give you your bmr then you can calculate your lifestyle calories...

I'm personally a big believer that more calories is better because it allows for a true lifestyle change and allows room for adjustment down the road... when you're starting out with a low number of calories - you've got little wiggle room for when your weight loss stalls...
Well, the BMR from both calculators is almost the same. The one Mal linked is: 2145.9. The one I was using: 2139.10. I'm not sure why the 'sedentary' calculation boosts it to 2566.92 for maintenance, but that's where it starts, and then subtracts 1000 for 2 lbs weight loss per week.
1500 per day just seems incredibly low to me - when I was 300 - I was eating about 2400 calories a day - walking 4- 5 times a week - and still losing 3 -4 lbs a week...
Well, when my activity level goes up my calorie goals will go up too... maybe that's the difference? For moderate exercise 3-5x per week the goal for 2lbs loss goes up to 2315.61.