Sport Protein Deficiency

Sport Fitness
Hello guys. I am a vegetarian and so I know I am not getting enough protein. My question is if I get a majority of my protein from whey protein shakes, say 2 a day about 80 grams of protein is this bad for me or unhealthy?

Is whey protein a complete protein?

Also what other vegetarian foods have complete proteins?
I'm going to start eating cottage cheese, drinking milk, and eating more peanut butter. Any other ideas?
Protein shakes will help but...i'm sure you can still get enough protein without meat

i am told that fish and rice = complete protein, but i don't know why, nutritionally.

Probably does not help the vegetarian original poster since fish is not a vegetable. Fish itself tends to be a complete enough protein, whether or not eaten with rice (do you prefer sushi or sashimi?:))

But vegetarians typically get complete proteins through typical vegetarian foods like legumes + grains, nuts + grains, legumes + nuts, etc.. Vegetarians with high protein requirements relative to their calorie requirements (certain strength athletes and body builders, for example) may have to make an extra effort to get higher protein intake.
some eat chicken, honey, wear leather ....