I'm trying to put on some muscle and I know that nutrition is probably the biggest part in doing so. I'm 5'5 and weigh ~135lbs. I'm lifting 6 times a week doing upperbody and lower body bidaily. I don't touch junk food or any kind of soft drinks and try to just eat raw foods and a lot of them (around 3200 calories daily). The only thing I'm at a lose about is how much protein I should be taking in daily. I just really have no idea. I do take a protein shake on the days I lift and am eating 3 raw eggs daily (being safe about it). If I had to estimate I would say I'm taking in around ~100gs a day give or take 15. If anyone could give me a rough estimate for what I should be taking in I would really appreciate it. Also, should I be taking in the same amount of protein/calories on my off day? Thanks.