Sport Protein Calculator

Sport Fitness
I'm trying to put on some muscle and I know that nutrition is probably the biggest part in doing so. I'm 5'5 and weigh ~135lbs. I'm lifting 6 times a week doing upperbody and lower body bidaily. I don't touch junk food or any kind of soft drinks and try to just eat raw foods and a lot of them (around 3200 calories daily). The only thing I'm at a lose about is how much protein I should be taking in daily. I just really have no idea. I do take a protein shake on the days I lift and am eating 3 raw eggs daily (being safe about it). If I had to estimate I would say I'm taking in around ~100gs a day give or take 15. If anyone could give me a rough estimate for what I should be taking in I would really appreciate it. Also, should I be taking in the same amount of protein/calories on my off day? Thanks.
i would say around 200 grams depending on the intensity of your workouts. But you need protein whether you work out or not. So you need it on rest days also. Just not as much. I would go with 135gms on rest days and 200 or so on work out days.
generally if you're putting forth the effort, you'll want 1g per pound of bodyweight a day, and a little extra is ok.
generally if you're putting forth the effort, you'll want 1g per pound of bodyweight a day, and a little extra is ok.

Agreed, 100%. So for you I would shot for 150g of protein total to be safe if you are trying to build muslce. IF you are trying to lose weight, you can cut it to 120g (roughly 1g protein per Lean Body Mass).
I do take a protein shake on the days I lift and am eating 3 raw eggs daily (being safe about it).

This study says:

Abstract of Research Study said:
The true ileal digestibility of cooked and raw egg protein amounted to 90.9 ± 0.8 and 51.3 ± 9.8%, respectively.

I.e. you will get more protein out of your eggs if you cook them.

High consumption of raw egg whites (about 20 per day) may induce biotin deficiency, as the raw egg whites contain a protein that effectively binds biotin. Cooking deactivates this protein.
Thanks for the responses. Kind of glad I can cook them was hard putting them down raw. Guess I'll throw down another protein shake a day.
And that'd be 150g of complete proteins a day. You cannot count vegetable protein towards that total, unless you're paying attention and combining those vegetable proteins in order to make a complete protein.

example: neither beans nor rice are complete protein sources, but when consumed together, they do provide a complete essential amino acid profile, and WOULD count towards the daily total.

Incomplete protein monitoring is the stuff that vegans and vegetarians have to be very aware of, lest the develop deficiencies and health problems.

Tip: its a lot easier to eat meat, dairy and eggs :)
Thanks, will keep that in mind. Also, what weight should I go for a cut at? Never cut before and just don't know how much I should put on before I try one. I've put on 5lbs and have been keeping it on (finally) so I'm at 140 right now. Thanks again.
go by the mirror more than your weight, as weight can be a lot of things (fat, muscle, water, undigested food, etc).

If you start feeling like you look too 'soft' from the fat gained while bulking, you can throttle back the calories a little, or go for a full cut.
I think I'll aim for 150 before I start to consider a cut unless it looks like I really need it. Thanks for the input guys.