protein before cardio

hey guys, i plan on doing cardio for maximum fat loss, so runnin on emtpy stomach sounds good, but it also loses muscle, i heard eating protein before would help reduce muscle loss?
cardio on an empty stomach leaves me feeling weak afterwards, eat protien 30-60 mins before workout mate to maintain mass
abear said:
deleted my previous message because i found a better explanation

couldnt have said that better myself.. thats why i used to feel drained and shakey after doing cardion on an empty gut, i stopped doing it 1.5 yrs ago and still saw the fat drop at the same rate up until now

very interesting statement abear
when i tried to do it on an empty stomach years ago, i lost size and strength

and for someone like me who doesnt have much of both, it hurt big time!!!!!!!! :)

last summer, i ate both before and after and lost 4 inches off my waist and maintained my size and gained more strength.

in other words, i'm sold on it :)
its exactly what i did, over the course of the last four yrs, i started out as 18.5 stones of mostly fat, but knew i had alot of lean muscle underneath, desperate to rid myself of the fat, i did unbelievable amounts of cardio before eating and dropped down to 14 stones, people started to tell me i was getting skinny, but i was still fat if u know what i mean. i lost nearly all my lean mass and it deos hurt knowing all the wrong effort you put in ive managed to work back up to 16.5stones again 20% bodyfat buy eating before cardio and training.
whatever you can digest and doesnt hamper the training. for me i do a quick liquid shake of whey and dextrose. some ppl use fruit and maybe cottage cheese or something to that effect. others do whey and gatorade.

just trial and error with different ideas to see what you respond best to
the things you just mentioned look to have no carbs in, should i steer clear of carbs before the cardio workout? and extactly how much do i need 2 eat, a snack or a meal?