Protein Bars

I'm in the market for some good protein bars. From your experiences, what would you recommend? I'm looking for a healthy post-workout bar with high protein. Any recommendations?

If there was a thread already talking about this, please post link.

Pure Protein and Detour Lean Muscle
Most protein bars are glorified candy bars. Try to find one that uses Whey, NOT soy, and has little sugar. Above post is correct - powders are better. :)
Aren't Detour bars full of sugar?

most protein bars are full of sugar, or sugar alcohols, and half the time the protein is from a piss poor source so its not 'really' 20g of usable protein.

If you can't make a shake, look into ready to drink shakes...pre-mixed...a little pricey, but if you buy em by the case at places like Sam's club or online...they become more reasonable.

add some nuts or fruit, and you've got a decent on the go meal.