protein bars?

sorry if this has been asked and answered a million times ..
just wondering what bars u guys eat or recommend ?
latley i have been eating the greens + protein bars in the
chocolate and peanut butter flavor .. here is a link

here is a link to ingredients and nutritional info

its the one on the right side

5 grams of saturated fats is pretty bad. you are going to be hard pressed to find a protein bar that is not gonna be either loaded with sugar or fat.

You can make your own. Do a search on for recipes, and there is a thread that has a whole bunch of good recipes to make them, and they are much more healthy than most of those you can buy.

The only protein i take in myself that isnt in regular food, is my 2 whey shakes a day. everything else comes from whole foods
if i were you, i'd eat the "apex" fit bars, they are meal replacements. low in fat and highly recommended by the personal trainers at my gym
I would bars...unless you made them at home yourself.

those Greens bars do have a lot of saturated fat, and a TON of sugar!

you'd be better off drinking a whey shake, having 3g of fish oil caps, and a V-8..or real veggies and fruits.