Weight-Loss Protein Bars



New member
Hey Everyone,

I am looking to lose some weight while also put on some muscle and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a good protein bar on the market. I have seen Quest Protein bars but they seem to have high cholesterol. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Hello there.

I couldn't tell you about commercial protein bars, but I remember that Scooby uploaded a video on home-made protein bars not so long ago.

I didn't try them (I follow a zero carb diet), but might be worth checking. Here is the video and the info, respectively;

I think 1 or 2 more recipes for protein bars. You can check the playlists on his Youtube channel or search on his website, under 'nutrition'.

Hope this helps. Good luck. :)


Okay, after double-checking, these (see below) may suit you better, as they have less calories and less carbs.

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Honestly a lot of protein bars are just glorified chocolate bars with added protein. I know people love the convenience of them as well as the added protein but if you actually read how many carbs and sugar most have its ridiculous. The only bars I would say are okay are quest bars but again you want to remember moderation.
great - snacks r really important
im using bars - 10g of protein, 140 calories, 11g of sugar...but what is most important, and what lot of people doesnt know is: multivitamins in bar! this one is full with calcium, vit E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12... NO vitamins and minerals NO protein absorbsion!