protein bars question

i am having a hard time to get my daily protein in and my calorie intake it ok that i am eating 3 protein bars a day?(320 cal and 35g proetin each)
Post the complete nutrition data for the bars.
320 calories,fat 80,sat fat 8g,trans fat 0,cholesterol 5mg,sodium 210mg,potassium 120mg,carb 32g,protein 32g
i am pretty lean for my age 34.and i am having a hard time drinking protein shakes.just can't stomach them.tried 4 in 4 months.thanks for the help
Wow, that's a lot of saturated fat. I get tired of certain flavors after a tub or two, so I switched to ON Any WHEY protein, it has no taste.. and you can mix it with anything, even cook with it.
Mreik - hey i posted to another spot in the forum and noone answered :( I just happened to come across this thread .. so you have cooked with protein powder? What have you made? Do you neeed to alter the amount of flour or anything when adding protein powder? I want to make whole grain muffins for breakfast and add protein powder to it .. what u think?
take your total fat intake and divide it by 3. get equal amounts of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fats.

so say you're eating 3000 calories a day. if your fat intake makes up 20% of your total caloric intake, that would be roughly 67 grams of fat. 67 divided by 3 would be roughly 22 grams per fat. dont worry about being exact. its just an idea to shoot for.

that information comes from ppl like will brink, john berardi, etc
Best protein bar on the market today is.....; TRI-O-PLEX. There really is nothing better out there,i've been having 1 a day for the last 3yrs and never get fed up of them,always deliscious.
testosterone is fat based, so I guess in order to make test, you need fat.. I don't know the details, but I know for a fact that a low fat diet comes hand in hand with low test levels.
Saturated fat is important in a healthy diet. Its also commonly found in so many foods, that you never need to worry about 'not having enough'.

Hence the only fat supplements are things like flaxseed oil, peanut butter, fish oils...which all contain unsaturated fat (omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids)