Weight-Loss Protein and Fruit

Is it true that you shouldn't consume protein (ie eggs) and fruits together?

No, this is fine.
There is no reason protein should not be eaten with fruit unless you have a specific food allergy in which case it is still not a matter of protein with fruit, just a matter or restricting that particular food.
Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals which can aid in digestion and macronutrient (protein, carbohydrate, fat) absorption so if anything depending on the fruit it may actually be very helpful to eat fruit with protein.
Is it true that you shouldn't consume protein (ie eggs) and fruits together?
Where did you hear this load of nonsense????
Seriously... this is really silly. I'm also curious, what is supposed to happen if you do?
Where did you hear this load of nonsense????
Seriously... this is really silly. I'm also curious, what is supposed to happen if you do?

Thanks for telling me it's really nonsense. I heard it from a colleague some time ago. She said that the protein will react with the sugar in the fruit, and is not good for health. So I was concerned whether I should eat protein (eggs, meat) within the same meal as fruits.
Thanks for telling me it's really nonsense. I heard it from a colleague some time ago. She said that the protein will react with the sugar in the fruit, and is not good for health. So I was concerned whether I should eat protein (eggs, meat) within the same meal as fruits.

I think your colleague is referring to the Food Combination charts.

I believe these charts aren't for weight loss but were made based for a healthy digestive system and a healthy body. Supposedly eating foods in the right combinations causes digestion to occur "properly" without giving your stomach issues or creating too much stomach gases from fermentation of foods with sugar in them like fruits. They say that the proper food combinations are the foundation to colon health.

Someone correct me if I'm completely off here lol.

I don't know if they have any scientific backing to this.

The charts advise always eating fruits by themselves. That's probably why your colleague said that. It says proteins are supposed to be eaten only with vegetables (never with fat and never with fruit).

I don't think it's specifically for weight loss but I believe its focus is digestive ease and over all health.....

You can find these charts all over the internet. Here's one
PS - I have fruit with my eggy breakfasts on a regular basis. And it hasn't resulted in any gastrointestinal distress. ... Where are the Mythbusters when you need them! ;)
SWEET!!!! I got get loaded up on proteins and fruit before my next snore fest department meeting!!!! I LIKE THIS CHART!
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there is also another line of thought on this, though i would not bother following it.

It goes roughly like this but if you want to really understand then you need to dig up one of the books that right about insulin release.

Oh gawd, i don't think i can remember the first thing about it. ...

Some people who promote high protein diets believe you can also eat a lot of fat at the same time but you shouldn't eat carbs in that meal. Fruit is carbs and so i presume you can't eat carbs. If you eat carbs in this meal, the insulin secretion will be affected. The whole point of it is about controlling insulin secretions from your pancreas.

I am sorry i can't write a better explanation than this but i read about it a long time ago.

I think that the cohen diet, the atkins diet and many diabetes diets are based on a theory which may have a lot of truth in it - that to avoid the insulin issue, you need to keep carbs as low as possible if not altogether out of the picture, depending on what diet you are following.

Some people are said not to process carbs so well. Insulin resistant and diabetics for instance. My neighbour was telling me that she's been put on a diet with very low carbs for this reason.

So there is a grain of truth in it but if you are not insulin resistant or have diabetes, then you don't need to worry about it at all.

Again, i am not sorry for any gross errors in my explanation. Its been a long time i since i read about it and i can't remember much of it but given that my neighbour who is insulin resistant and pre-diabetic has recently been diagnosed and put on a carb restricted diet by a diectician, then i imagine there something in it. But its not for everyone. And i still actually think she can eat fruit though i don't know if she has to eat at a different time.
No, isn't true. Eat eggs and fruits together and you will have no problem. Try to eat more natural vitamins and avoid syntheticones.
Yeah the insulin resistance thing is a lot more complex than low carb dieting, but! it has basically nothing to do with how you combine your foods :)

Insulin tolerance rises (you need more insulin to process the same amount of carbohydrates) due to a lot of effects that all interact. Exercise plays a large role in it, the amount of carbohydrates you eat plays a role too, but not in a linear way. (It isn't as if you can simply stop eating carbs and get a SUPER NINJA HIGH sensitivity to insulin). The reason you tell Type 2 diabetics to eat less and move more is that those two are the largest factors in insulin sensitivity. But from what the endokrinology people tell me exercise is a much more readily available way of increasing sensitivity, since it works very fast and efficiently.

That said, there is no reason to eat a lot of simple carbs like the sugar you get in fruits (fruits are overrated. Sure they're better than just sugar, but you can get the same micro nutrients from vegetables without the simple carbs). since it'll make your blood sugar go up a little and crash a little, which tends to make people a bit less fresh and energized in the long run. Thats why you tell students to stop eating candy in school and get like, a good brekfast, a good lunch with full grain complex carbs that release the energy into the bloodstream over a longer period since it takes time to break down. Maintaining a more even blood sugar level generally improves the well being, this is why type 1 diabetes patients with not-so-well controlled diabetes can feel like shit most of the day because their blood sugar rushes up and down throughout the day.

There, wall of text (tm) completed :)

tl;dr = Combine food however you feel like it, has zero significant impact on anything.