Protein and Creatine - times to take

Ok, so some of you will have read my last post. I am getting some protein and creatine now. What tiems should I be taking it?

I have read the stick about creating and should basically take 5gram a day, any time, as long as it is every day.

But what about protein whey? Morning, before bed, before or after workout.?? I am lost with this because people say different?

Thanks in advance.
With Creatine, make sure you drink plenty of water since creatine basically hydrates the muscle. Many take it pre & post workout, but i don't really think it matters.

Whey (protein) is just extra help to get in your daily protein intake.
Like i said to you before, eat at least every 3 hours. So you could maybe have a shake with some porridge (or whatever) for breakfast to get your first fix of protein ;) Then i'd reccommend having a shake post workout as well.

I personally use 3 servings a day of whey protein, each serving contains 35g of protein, so thats 105g all together. I aim for around 250g daily, so i will aim to get another 145g in food if i can. The fact is, you need to be consuming protein constantly (eg every 2-3 hours) whether its from your whey or food.