Hi all,
I was wondering if you could help me.
I'm a 15 year old boy who plays squash, badminton, swims ect, so quite active and want to build muscle, tone up and get a six pack. Im a member at a well equipped gym and do a decent workout involving weights and resistance machines.
I was wondering whether there was any youth whey protein options and whether they are harmful to children or any other alternatives.
And also any workout tips to build up muscle and tone the muscles.
I was wondering if you could help me.
I'm a 15 year old boy who plays squash, badminton, swims ect, so quite active and want to build muscle, tone up and get a six pack. Im a member at a well equipped gym and do a decent workout involving weights and resistance machines.
I was wondering whether there was any youth whey protein options and whether they are harmful to children or any other alternatives.
And also any workout tips to build up muscle and tone the muscles.