Protein Advice

Hi all,

I was wondering if you could help me.

I'm a 15 year old boy who plays squash, badminton, swims ect, so quite active and want to build muscle, tone up and get a six pack. Im a member at a well equipped gym and do a decent workout involving weights and resistance machines.

I was wondering whether there was any youth whey protein options and whether they are harmful to children or any other alternatives.

And also any workout tips to build up muscle and tone the muscles.
There's no such thing as a "youth" protein supplement. If anything, different age groups or people of different sizes would just take a different amount of it.

For someone of 15, you could probably take the adult dosage (or close to it). The human body can only absorb around 26g of protein at once, so, factoring in the amount that's simply digested, I'd say about 30g.

As for what type of protein, since you're just starting, I'd go with whey protein. Personally, I get the unflavoured variety, just so I can make my own shakes with it. (Flavour means more sugar anyway.) There's little difference between brands, so I wouldn't worry there.

So yeah, a protein drink taken slowly after each workout is sufficient. If you're going to have a high-protein meal right after working out, though, I wouldn't even bother. Also, be sure to keep the way your body feels in check. If it's acting intolerant to your doses, then stop.

As for your workout routine, remember that only aerobic, endurance activity can burn fat and make a 6-pack show, so don't waste your time doing 100 unnecessary crunches. Core training in general is still a good idea, though. Other than that, any regular resistance training regiment will build and tone muscles. (2-4 sets of 6-12 reps, 24 hour rest between working each muscle group.) I suggest taking it slowly and gradually, though. You can damage your body by trying to bulk too quickly. Since you're already so active, I'd say just do your resistance training 2-3 days per week.