Proper Weight Lose Rate


New member
Note: This is a repost. I put this in the wrong location.

Hi all. My name is Monty. Im 6'0 and currently 295 lbs. My goal is to get to 240 lbs and get fit.

When I started my diet/weight loss on May 14, 2011, I weighed in at 311 lbs with a 41% BMI (the most I have ever weighed in my life). I want to make sure Im going about my weight loss the correct way.

I have nearly halved my food intake(I was around 3,200 cal. intake, down to about 1,800). While most would say this is too much to quick, I ate to be full and out of boredom, and have had no issue with the adjustment other than the hunger pangs which were gone in about a week. I have started eating five smaller meals, I have cut out sugar entirely and cut back on salt. Cut back on starches, steaming most of my protein meats and cut back on excess oils and condiments.

I drink water only now, besides my one cup of black coffee in the morning. I do drink more than my 8 cups a day, to fill me up and keep me hydrated due to my job being outside and physical.

I exercise regularly now(6 days a week). 30-45 minutes cardio and have an exercise routine.

Most of my dieting and exercise routine has came from the info from this site.

With that being said, I want to make sure Im not going about this wrong. I have lost 16 lbs in two weeks( 10 lbs my first week, 6 lbs the second week)
I understand water weight plays a big factor, but Im not sure if this is too much too fast.

Any info would be a big help. Also, any advice is more then welcome. Thanks in advance :)