Proper Pull Up Technique

Hi sorry if this is a completely stupid and pointless quiestion, but i cant find any clarification on this, when doing a pull up how far down do you have to come, in school my teacher said that 90 degrees was enough but other places i have read and seen people saying the you are supposed to extend your arm all the way or nearly all the way. Can someone please clarify this?

I think going all the way down and the way up the best way. Ull be using the muscles to there full potensiol (sorry for the spelling)..
also if u can't do any that way. Pull up a chair and help lift urself up with ur legs. Make sure ur using ur arms and back to lift ur way up, do it slow. Same thing going down. Sooner or later get stonger and won't need the chair.
Teachers say that because not all students can do a fully-motioned pull-up ( and many that can, can only do about one). In my whole school (I'm in middle school though, keep that in mind) only me and this other kid can do fully motioned pull-ups. The rest of the kids that are considered "strong" in considered to the average kid can do about 5 90 degree chin ups.

Also since pull-ups seem kind-of like a new thing you should know that a pull-up is done with a grip wider than shoulder length and with palms facing away. Otherwise it's a chin-up done with palms facing yourself and a narrower grip.

While a chin-up will workout your biceps a lot a pull up will focus more on your lats, giving you the buff V-back.
A proper pull up is full range of motion, ie fully extended arms at the bottom, and chin above the bar at the top. Anything less than this is a partial rep, and really only serves the role of an assistance exercise for the full pull up.