Sport ProNutro Wholewheat Cereal

Sport Fitness
Hi all,

Another one I'd like some clarificaiton on, if you would be so kind:

100g serving:

Energy = 1446kj
Protein = 15.5g

Carbohydrate = 60.7g
Simple carb = 12.6g
Complex carb = 48.1g

Fat = 5.7g
Saturated =0.9g
Monounsat =1.3g
Polyunsat =3.5g
Linoleic Acid =2.7g
Trans fat =0

Dietary Fibre =26.0g
Soluble =5.1g
insoluble =20.9g

Cholesterol =0
Sodium =306mg

Also contains Beta Carotene (E160a)

(from what i've learned so far theses numbers seem ok)

-What is the difference between simple carbs and carbs that sugar, are they the same thing?

-There are no trans fats and the simple to complex carb ratio look good. There is no cholesterol and it is high in protein and fibre.

-What is Beta Carotene? Is it one of those bad E numbers used to preserve food?

What am i missing?
Simple carbs are typically sugars. 20.7% of total carbohydrates from sugars does not seem to be that great (although not as bad as many other cereals with 30% to 50% of carbohydrates from sugar). Old classics like plain oatmeal, shredded wheat (not frosted), and Cheerios (the original kind, not the sweetened kinds) have 0% to 5% of total carbohydrates from sugar. Most new cereals, even those aimed at adults, have high sugar content.

Beta carotene is a substance that is turned into vitamin A in the body. It is commonly found in orange or yellow vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes.