Project I've been working on, need feedback!


New member
Over the past week or so I've been working on a new web app, called

Basically, (link removed due to forum rules) is a free SMS service that allows you to text your weight on the go.
All you need to do is sign up, and it'll text you the number to save in your contacts. After you start texting your weights, you can sign into the website to see an interactive-graph of your progress over time. There are other things on the site, like setting a goal, getting reminder texts, etc. (all optional)

I wanted to get your guy’s feedback on the website, and whether or not you'd consider using it. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
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Hmm, if you are weighing yourself chances are you at home. If you're already at home would it not be just as easy (if not easier) to jump on your laptop and update your weight online? I like the idea of reminder texts and progress graphs though :)