Sport Progress??

Sport Fitness
Well This morning I looked Slimmer and i was down 2 pounds...and now i look so i had like 4 small rice cripsy treat bars as a cheat meal i havnt had one for like over 3 weeks. Its not worth it having one im gonna stop having one. Why do i look so big right now its so depressing its like i look as big as i did when i started. I'm gonna start counting calories again to 1400. I know everyone probably already knows my diet n my workout plan but ill post it anyways.

6 Days A Week
30 Pushups
30 Squats
30 Crunches
20 Of Doing The Butterfly or my 5pd Dumb-bells on the floor
10 & 10 of doing 2 different things with the weights
4 Miles On My Bike
Then Some Days I Will Walk a Mile Or 2 Afterwards...

* tell me if i need to change any of that

Diet~1400 Calories..
Starting Tomorrow..
Breakfast -4-6 Egg Whites and/or Cereal and/or Oatmeal
Snack Any Kind Of Fruits
Lunch Something Dealing With Protein a Meat I suppose or Vegtable
Dinner-Lean Meat, Vegtable or 2, and Maybe Wild Rice
*I dont know if i will be able to have all them 5 meals normally when i get up and eat im done till the afternoon then i eat a piece of fruit then its supper then im done unless i eat a piece of fruit at 9-10 o'clock at night. Would that be bad??
*Also is it bad if you eat then go back to bed?
*If i need to change anything please post and let me know...Sorry if i have re-posted similar things

Thanks Bunches-Mandy
"Was 147-148 now 143-144....I think" i dont know how long its been since i started back up on my strict diet
*Also is it bad if you eat then go back to bed?

Yes. Also, you shouldn't eat before cardio workouts.

About you work out;
It's best to do crunches every other day, doing it everyday for some people = no results.
Breakfast, and/*OR oatmeal? Does your oatmeal have a lot of sugar? Check your serving sizes on your cereal and oat meal. Usually, even though they are good foods, in just 3 cups they can exceed 550 calories. 550 calories, in my opinion, isn't bad for breakfast but that's only 3 cups. Find less calorie, but more filling foods. Also, use fat free milk.
Over all your food for the day needs to be spread out in to 5 meals a day.
Eat around 500 calories for break fast then 4 meals of 250 calories. Eat at 9, 11, 2, 4, 7, over every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Base all meals 1st on protein in take. Some people say 1g for each lb on your body, get as close as you can.
Avoid fired meats. Chicken, tuna, haddock, and turkey are great.
Watch your condiments, ketchup and salad dressing have way to many calories. Use hot sauce, it has none and will probably speed up your metabolism.

Your work out.
1st, get heavier weights. 5 lbs = light.
Go to the store and pick up the weights. Find the one that is heavy, but you can still lift at least 15 time with one hand.
Do sets. I do 8 reps x 7. Find reps and # of x that works for you.
Low reps, heavy weight.
Work out as many muscles as you can. One day do arms and back. Rest a day, then do legs and chest. Never work out the same muscle 2 days in a row. They need time to repair and become stronger.

last, drink a lot of cold water. You should always have a water bottle by you. When it's empty fill it up. When it's full drink it.

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