Progress thus far (CUTTING)

OK I started my cutting phase August 28, 2006.
Starting Stats:
23-24% BF
Weight: 220 lb
Bench 1RM: 175 lb
Mile Time: past 7 min

53 days later...

Current Stats (as of October 19, 2006):
19-19.5% BF
Weight: 195.8 lb
Bench 1RM: 215 lb
Mile Time: 6:38 (still not PR.)

sub 10% BF
Weight: sub 180
Bench 1RM: 225 lb
Mile Time: 6:00

All natural, haven't had any extra protein supplements lately, and no other supplements. This is just because of diet and exercise so far.
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Wow 25lbs in two months? That is crazy. No vitamins or EFA supps?
Yeah but -5% and -25lbs, doesn't add up to 25lbs of fat loss. And that doesn't even consider if you've gained some muscle.

IMO your calories might be too low.
Yeah, I'm not actually sure about the body fat %; I use a bioempidence scale. Considering the original BF % is around 10% off (actual display says 29.3%) My friends who have gotten their BF tested the scale which gave them a difference of 10%. So those BF % numbers are probably way off to tell you the truth.

As for calories, I've cut down to a 2000 calorie (give or take 100 calories.) and my BMR w/ excessive exercise is around 4095.

@tony, the weight loss is mostly because of the 50% calorie deficit, but as for supplements, I'm taking nothing at all except for a multi-vitamin.
o0o okay, then you're probably okay.

It sounded funny because your weight and bf% said you were losing fat && muscle, but your lifts sounded like you were gaining muscle. The inaccuracy of a scale explains it though. Good progress.
Oh if anybody wants to know which biometrics scale NOT to get, the one I have is: Taylor 5552 (it doesn't even look like they make them anymore)