Sport Probiotics - what to use?

Sport Fitness
Finding the 'pills' for vitamin c, calcium, etc was easy - but I'm really unclear what I should buy to tick the 'probiotic' box.

I see you you basically got two 'types' : Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus - both sounds good but only seem to come in this 'mini yogurt' (yakult, actimel) form. Both are very, very expensive even if you only take one a day - and most of the studies that show positive results where based on 6x time amount.

So I'm wondering if they come in a 'pill form' or maybe are available cheaper somehow :)


Some people eat yogurt.
i use flora protect probiotics by

here's the link if you are interested.
I used the cleansing system they make a year or two ago and it was great, I should probably do it again every so often actually.

yup, me too! i did it back in 2006 and i just completed another month of it.
I see you you basically got two 'types' : Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus - both sounds good but only seem to come in this 'mini yogurt' (yakult, actimel) form. Both are very, very expensive even if you only take one a day - and most of the studies that show positive results where based on 6x time amount.

Just eat plain yogurt or kefir with live cultures.
I have also used the Dr. Natura Cleanse Sytem about 2 yaers ago and recently I used it again, this time taking the Toxin Out Program also.
Just read in Men's Health that another suggestion would be Nature Way's Primadophilus Bifidus.

This is something I'm looking into myself :)
I recently read about probiotics and thought how interesting the subject was. Did you know that probiotics are needed not just for healthy intestinal flora but also for the production of healthy nutrients in the colon which maintain healthy lipid and glucose levels in the body? So probiotics actually help in maintaining good cholesterol levels and also good glucose levels. In order for probiotics to work well we also need a healthy amount of soluble fiber like oats in our diet.
I take Lactobacillus acidophilus supplements with 2 billion live cultures once or twice daily. The "million" cultures just aren't enough, for me anyway. I absolutely HAVE to have this daily or I become extremely bloated to the point that I look 4 mos pregnant. I have an impaired digestive system, so I probably need more than the average Joe. A cup of natural yogurt daily might do the trick for a healthy person. (Kefir is great too.)