Probably coolest pic I've ever seen

Oh my gosh yes! My boyfriend showed these to me a few days ago and I had to do a double take... Massive lightning storm caught in there! That's a very frameworthy picture if you could get an original print. Lightning is so so hard to photograph but it looks like it was firing off like synapse's in the brain!

I have a huge collection of weather photo's I've found. Lots of twisters/lightning but this one is so unique!

I think Chile. I remember hearing that there was an eruption occuring there but I could be wrong. It's only a couple of weeks old.
Yeah, there was an eruption there in the last few week. That picture is jaw-dropping. I'm glad someone was able to get it on film for the rest of us. Thanks for posting it, Steve!
Yeah, just crazy that someone was available, and with a decent camera to capture the shot!

... Imagine everything that has happened that has never been captured on film or even seen! Like Ball Lightning, or strange clouds.

Yep, Chile and it was a volcanic eruption, apparently the ash particals collide in air generating electical charges which resolve in a showy way.

David C
That was pretty cool. Thanks for sharing. :D