Pro-Nos Whey

Hello guys,

I started working out on a routine basis last year, and was able to shave 15 pounds off my weight throughout the past year (175 to 160 at 5'8). Now that I am sort of plateauing, I was striving for a lean look (not bulky). A buddy of mine was telling me that Pro-Nos Whey helps burn fat and add lean muscle. I did some research on it and it looks pretty good. Do you guys think this is right for me? Are there any side-effects to this whey? Thanks for the help fellas.
protein powder is just food man. it doesn't do anything more magical than eating a chicken breast. so claims like 'helps burn fat and add lean muscle' is pure marketing-hype.
for starters its damned near impossible to add muscle and burn fat at the same least in any decent timeframe.
However, Pro-NOS along with Isopure are better, more isolated proteins than others on the market. Most proteins like ON or GNC brand are good for beginners but if you really want good gains without a lot of the added fat, Pro-Nos is a good way to go. I use a lot of MRI products and have found them to work really well. Good luck with your training regimen!