privacy on the net



hey everyone,

i'm curious to know if there's a way to block this website to come up when my username gets searched on google.

Let me know if doing something like that is possible!
Nope. Not unless the owner changes the search access policies. You should never assume you have privacy on the net = anything and everything is findable.
Use a different user name. Change your alias to something more generic if you want to hide your identity.
Hmm...I see...

Do you guys know if diaries/threads/posts are deletable, or usernames? I guess I'm willing to delete my username existence and learn my lesson.
If there are some posts that you are now wishing that you hadnt said - you could go back to them and click on edit. Then you get the option to delete. That may sort out your biggest problem quickly. Post back if you want to go that route and have difficulties.

Obviously you cannot remove places where people have quoted you that way though...