Sport pressure cooker help!

Sport Fitness
ok so i want to but a pressure cooker so i can cook chicken, geggies, rice etc
bt i was reading up and it said you need certain partf for certain things like a part to cook cake (which i would love to do) a part to cook rice (which i neeeeeed) etc etc stuff like a heat diffuser?

so i want a 6 quart pressure cooker with all this stuff
for a reasonable price
please any suggestions?!

i want it for :
and rice/pasta
I would guess any department store (Kohl's, Sears, Wally-World) would have a good starter system. All you really need is the pan and a little "grill like platform" to sit on the bottom of the pan. This keeps things somewhat elevated off the bottom of the pan for steaming and such not.

I cook chicken, veggies and rice in mine all the time with only the most basic setup. I have never heard of cooking cake in it, I don't think it would work, since the whole premise is you are cooking something with very little water and quite high pressure.

Good luck.