Sport presentation

Sport Fitness
I volunteered to give a presentation on nutrition for my sons next cub scout den meeting. I'll be talking to a bunch of 1st graders here.

What topics should I cover for such an audience?
I was just thinking of talking about what foods are good and bad. Maybe touch on the macronutrients a bit. I'll be throwing in something about the bad marketing of so called healthy foods to but more for the parents. Maybe touch on the "power" foods? Maybe I could bring in some samples?

Any suggestions of things to bring up would be much appreciated.

Evo I know you do this on a regular basis your input would be priceless here too.:D

edit - I have to do this for an hour.
Wow, that's cool that you volunteered for it, good man. That's difficult though, because you obviously don't want to get too complicated. I think your ideas are good, just try to think of stuff that first graders would eat. I don't think too many first graders are really jonesin for brown rice and chicken, but natural peanut butter on whole wheat might fly. Emphasis on fruits and veggies maybe?
ACE has put together a program called "Operation Fit Kids" where it gives several 'lessons' for children. Each lesson has a fitness and a nutrition segment. You could probably search online for the program, or let me know, and I will try to find a copy of it for you. You can probably go through the nutrition segments, and pick and choose things to talk about. It is already in 'kid' format and has some charts and activities you could copy, so maybe it would take some of the work out of it for you.

Good luck!
If I were you, I'd bring in samples of yummy food that are nutritious and give all the kids the recipes for these "treats".

Nutritious food doesn't have to taste like @$$ (although some of it does).
Hey, it's a tough question :D

At least it was for me.

You have to pull this topic down to the lowest common denominator. That's not easy.

Make a list of proteins, good fats and do two charts for carbs: complex and simple.

Then test them on it. Those who fail are executed ...

OOPS. Wrong country :D
Some pointers that I tell adults even:

1) Total calorie = Calorie per serving x # of serving; For example, might be a Kit Kat bar is like 90 Calories but the package have 4 of them so its actually 360 calories for one bar.

2) Compare that 360 calorie to eating a 6 '' footlong sandwich at subway, which one will keep them full longer.

3) importance of water and eating breakfast

4) The food pyramid

5) It might be complicated but try to explain about saturated fat and unsaturated.

6) Try some Cliches, this may not apply to well to boys, "A taste on the lips is a lifetime on the hips."

7) Maybe throw in some medical issues with poor dieting, Heart attacks, diabetes, hypertensions, etc...

8) May show them a picture of Chillian and explain how diet is key to having a great physique. Working out is only like 30% of the battle, however dieting is more like 50% and more important. This can transition into sports (since your audience is too young, girls) and improving performace, carb loading, hydration, etc....

9) How diet effect everything about you from your Bodyfat, skin, heart, cardio, etc... Show pictures of effects of poor dieting (like how drug ads used to show your brain and flash an egg and then your brain on drugs, an sunny-side up egg). Maybe explain to them how they are young and they are invincible now but what they eat now effects them in the future and it's their daily habbit now that shape their adulthood tendencies.

I can go on and on and on man.... Some pictues you can show could be superheroes like Hulk, Ironman, WWE wrestler, pro athletes, yourself...