Pre Workout Energy

Hey all,
Simply put I work a long day. Have to be in work to early to the gym before I go. So only option is after. I am normally tired by the end of the day. So what I am really looking for is some suggestions on what to take before working out. I just feel like I need something to give me more energy before the workout so that it is not as much of a struggle before and during the work out.

Any suggestions?

How long before your workout is your last meal, typically? I've found that if it's been too long since I've eaten, I simply don't have much energy at the workout. (On the flip side, if I eat a large meal too close to the workout, I can feel heavy/sluggish, and potentially cramp a bit).

It might be as simple as needing to eat something a bit closer to your workout. Something relatively light, maybe a couple hundred calories, with both protein and some carbs.
Maybe the answer is nothing?

I would suggest black coffee/caffeine pill but that would be unwise if you're training late.

I personally like to train in a semi-fasted state (maybe 4 hours after my last meal). I actually have more energy and get-up on an empty stomach and there is research to show that the body's Human Growth Hormone responds well to this. It comes to personal preference though, if you feel faint training on an empty stomach then this approach probably isn't for you.

Experiment and see what works best for you. Bananas and a handful of cashew nuts always give me a sustainable boost. I used to be caught up on pre and post workout supplements, whey protein, creatine etc but realised that my results were not that badly effected when I just went with wholesome natural food but my bank balance was in a good way! :)
Try looking for some all natural energy bars. The health food store maybe. One thing about those is they come with a lot of sugar so be careful.
Go get yourself a good pre-workout drink. I take buzzerk but NO Explode is a very popular one. Theres a whole grip of them on the market now(nano vapor, superpump, shotgun, etc . . .). Find one that works for you, GNC has a 30 day return policy so go try one, if you dont like it take it back. I'd stay away from caffeinated drinks. Not because of the sleep issue but because you build a resistance and i see some guys taking 2-3 scoops after a few months use. When i have ZERO desire to go to the gym that day i will make myself up a drink and a half hour later I'm trying to do curls with anything i can find lol.
Just going on what you said in your initial question, your asking for energy from your food for working out.

Whilst food can give you energy, it wont really "fire you up" unless your taking caffiene and many B-vitamins along side. I'd recommend that before you even think about what to eat, you make sure your sleeping enough, drinkin enough water through the day and if things are stressful at work, you have a way to talk about them or deal with them as emotional stress can tire you out.

Foodwise, what do you eat otherwise in the day? are you hungry before you workout? what does your workout consist of? (eg resistance, cardio, weight training, HIIT.....?) would be helpful in order to give you the best answer.

If your looking for something to stop you feeling hungry and maybe lift your mood a little, maybe a banana, yogurt and milk shake (whisk together) would be fine to line your stomach if you've not eaten for hours and want something sweet that is easy to drink. A protein shake would be an upgraded version of this but depends what your asking for from a workout, its not worth wasting £££ on daily protein shakes if your not really into building muscle or intense cardio and if your already eating in the day (you don't say either way) your likely already getting your vitamins in what you already eat.

Before my workout I eat a protein bar, but thats my lunch, its a protein bar as I don't trust myself not to overeat (do it all the time) and so make a workout too difficult to complete or pointless in the face of too many food calories! Each to their own, I know there are healthier ways of going about this problem, but this works for me. Maybe try a few things out and see what works best for you. Theres no wrong or right answer, its just what feels best for you, but do try to vary what you do, it healthier!
Unfortunately, almost anything that will give you energy for your workout in the evening will probably disturb your sleep patterns. You can try timing it in the afternoon such that it has worn off by bed time, but studies show caffiene will disturb sleep patterns for a long time after ingestion, and caffiene is probably the best legal stimulant going (which is why it's the hidden ingredient in virtually every stimulant from diet pills to red bull).

If you're sleep can take it, I'd recommend a EC supplement Ephedra/caffiene. You might also look into nootropics (smart drugs), which a lot of lifters swear by but which have various results for various people.