Weight-Loss Power Bars

Is there any good powerbars out there that is good to snack on before a workout consisting of 45 mins of cardio and some weight training? I want something with protien, not too much carbs and hopefully something without so much sugar, calories and fat. Maybe they haven'e made such a wonderbar, but any good suggestions?
Protein shake half an hour before workout lol. And you want some carbs before workout, they keep ya going to get that last rep or that last 1/4 mile if you jog. lol I don't use powerbars so I woldn't know anything about them.
Umm the powdered kind mixed with milk lol. You just buy it in like 2 or 5 or 10 pound tubs. If you get what I use, and use it in water, it has 3g carbs, 1.5g fat, and 23g of protein. Or milk adds like 13g carbs and 8g protein, plus with milk it digests slower. , thats the site I use to get my protein powders. The stuff I use isn't the best tasting but its alright and It's the cheapest for it's quality. But I also buy 10 lb bags of it lol. I get 100% whey protein, in chocolate. I have only tried chocolate and strawberry, I recommend the chocolate lol. If you do get that brand whatever you do DO NOT GET COOKIES AND CREAM. lol sorry I have no recipes. Some people recommend not eating before cardio, I do mine in the morning before I eat. But I guess make your own decision. and good luck in your powerbar/protein shake findings. Oh and your canadian so your shipping may be too high. lol I hope i just didn't void my whole post. Did I help in any way lol., looks like I just rambled as usual........
That works too lol. All there is around here are GNC and they overcharge everything, thats why I go to online stores.
I like the Zone bars. They have protein, some carbs, and some sugar, but they are a really good balance and are the only ones I found that I actually like the taste! My favorite is the caramel kind. Some people really love the mint but I think it tastes a little dry. If you find one you really like you can buy them in a box of 5 at Walmart for about 5 bucks.
i was at walmart yesterday and wanted to buy the power bars (protein bars) and they were all so dam expensive! they were over a dollar each. so i decided to buy a can of carb options protein powder which only cost 8 something. you mix it with water and it has 20 g of protein per serving.
Try Optimum 100% Whey Protien a 5lb bucket costs like 35$ and has over 70servings each serving has little fat and 20grams protien and 100cal.
23 g protein, and 130 calories. lol, and that price is somewhat high from where I go. but I guess it doesnt include shipping(still cheaper though lol)
bulknutrition.com, they have tons of kinds of shakes but Optimum Nutrition's is the cheapest and is of very high quality. 46 bucks for 10 lbs, 25 for 5 lbs. and it doesnt taste like crap either lol, I would imagine that costco's would taste horrible lol.
Whey Isolate Powder

Has really good numbers when it comes to high protein. I've lost the weight and am toning up. The bulky dudes at the gym said that unless you are trying to really bulk up, then Whey Isolate is probably your best bet. Allmax Isoflex is like 115 cal, 0.5g fat, 1g carb, 11mg sucralose (splenda) and 27g protein per serving.