Sport Potassium

Sport Fitness
I found out when i eat a banana i have like throat irritation and my stomach does this full, hurting feeling even when the banana is the only thing i eat.

Is there a chance i might be allergic to potassium?? what other food is high in potassium? Figured i might try out other product just to see how i react to it.
You are not allergic to potassium. Something else in the banana perhaps, but not potassium.
Meats, poultry, fish, avocados, cantalope, honeydew melon, kiwi, potatoes, lima beans, milk, oranges, prunes, spinach, tomatoes, winter squash are all considered foods high in Potassium.

Wanna hear my weird 'side effect' of eating bananas? If I eat them later in the day than 5:00 or 6:00PM, I have terrible nightmares. So I limit my bananas to my breakfast or mid-morning snack.