Post your goal swimwear!


New member
Hey I was swimsuite looking on the computer because I want
to order 1 a size 10 (maybe 8) this will hyelp me stick to my plan to
fit into my swimsuite.So I thought it would be fun to post your dream
swim suite that you would like to wear this summer,it's not to early
to start looking.
THe 1st picture I would kill to wear but must have no jiggles anywhere
but if there are certaing body parts that won't tone up no matter what
I do then #2 will have to do.Tammy:)

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Wow thats sexy I love those colors for some reason thats why
I picked those same exact colors.I would go for a belly showing 1
but when I was 4 months preggers with my 1st little girl I had a 12lb
cyst and right ovary removed and was cut from under the boobs all
the way down to where bikini would start so nasty scar.I am hoping
for a washboard tummy but the scar will still be there along with
the 4 kid stretch mark.But I love that suite.Tammy:)
Girl, we have similar tastes! I didn't realize we were going for the same color scheme! How cool.

I have a couple of stretch marks on my hips, and boobies, but if I can get washboard abs, I will show them off to everyone! haha

Let's do this!!!
I am ready girl! I have done so gr8 today except need to walk and that
won't be till after 9pm when hubby gets home.:rolleyes: Tammy
Glad you are having a great day! I'm planning on working out too, I need to get off the computer and get busy.

Are we going to post us in bikini pics when we reach our goals? hehe

P.S. Don't let me catch up to you!! I'm only 5 pounds behind ya!
Lol yeah we'll post out swimwear pics and don't worry I am back
in for the long run but wish you luck as well! I need to get off
here and go cook my veggies and look at more suites! Where did
ya find your's? I found mine on Jc pennys Tammy:)
Lol yeah we'll post out swimwear pics and don't worry I am back
in for the long run but wish you luck as well! I need to get off
here and go cook my veggies and look at more suites! Where did
ya find your's? I found mine on Jc pennys Tammy:)

Found mine on Victorias secret page. THe first one is by Calvin Klein, The second one I found on, by Ujena.

Eat those veggies!! Catch you later
Wow!! That last one you posted is sizzling. Do the fake boobs come with it? LMAO!! Seriously though, I'd wear that if I can look halfway decent. Great choice!
Ok no men posted yet I find this sexy on a man for swimming!
""""""""""""NO SPEEDOS PLEASE""""""""""LOL:D
Omg I love this idea tammy you are awsome girl I have to find one will start searching!
Ok my first pick

I also like the colors of the other four is so hard to decided but the top is my fav sexy but covers belly will depend how I look in a bikini then lol But I have always said When i lose down to my goal I will get my belly button pierced so who is in on that with me?:D
I really love that last bikini! Wow I hate to see your swimsuite bill!:p
Belly rings are hott but it would scream look at my 12 inch scar if
I got 1 but others can pull it off.:rolleyes:
Lol here is a funny thought any1 ever seen a male with bellybutton
pierced? lol Tammy:D