Post workout workout...

So I am asking this question out of mere curiosity. I don't have the time or patience to practice this idea, but I think it would be nice to know the answer. So everybody knows good ole DOMS. Say you have just worked out your chest and triceps hard, and the next day you are very sore. Would doing a light (very light) chest and tri workout help increase muscle recovery? Doing very lightweight and high reps in order to get a nice pump going, aka bringing blood and nutrients to the damaged muscles.
Theoretically I suppose it would. However, muscle recovery generally takes upwards of 48 hours, so a couple of hours of increased blood flow is unlikely to have any noticeable effect, especially as I don't think blood flow is the limiting factor in muscle recovery.
Maybe if you were already at an extreme level of fitness (talking 10 years of dedicated training...a pro athlete/body builder/power lifter, etc).

But, I doubt it would be as beneficial as stretching, eating right and rest.