Weight-Loss Post Workout Protein Shake



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So after dropping from 90kg (XL/XXL size, 38" waist, obese BMI) to 64kg (M, 32" waist, Normal BMI), I decided to focus more on weight training as opposed to cardio. Therefore I bought myself a 1kg tub of USN Whey Isolate for a post workout shake. I only have 1 question, I know after an intense weights workout you have some sort of time frame in which youre meant to consume protein, carbs.. just eat, but after my weights workout, I usually do 10 minutes of interval training (16 reps of 20s run and 10s off belt) on the treadmill. So after my weights workout, can I have my whey and then begin my cardio straight after?
Now I'm no pro but I've often heard it said you have like a 20-30 minute window for prime protein absorption after a workout.
I'm also no expert, but I think it should be alright, considering the cardio will just pump all those nutrients to your muscles quicker getting your muscles to repair. I know the Isolate is for quicker absorption for post workout so good choice there.
You've got up to an hour to consume your carbs and protein, so I'd do the cardio first - that way you won't have protein "sloshing" around in you while you're trying to workout.
I would take it after too - I would think if you took it inbetween you would be burping it up while trying to complete those sprints and might end up :puke:
DMR considering the cardio will just pump all those nutrients to your muscles quicker getting your muscles to repair.
Your muscles wont need any "Pumping" .

I would take my post workout 5-10 mins afterwards .

I split my Protein shake into three parts . Like this (3 scoops)

Shake 1
Taken 10-15 mins Pre workout.
Carbs/Protein (Whey Hyrolysate / Isolate
Reason Increase Insulin and Nutrient Transport Pre Workout Initiate Recovery Process before Training .

Shake 2
5-10 Post Workout
Protein (Whey Hyrolysate / Isolate
Continue Recovery Process

Shake 3
30-40 Mins Post Workout.
Protein (Whey Hyrolysate / Isolate
Prevent Amino Acid Crash and halt protein breakdown post workout. Fuel elevation in protein Synthesis and accelerate recovery.

You probably think I thought I was supposed to take carbs in post workout ?

Well its kind of counterproductive really when you think of it .
You Really dont "need" to replace the carbohydrates you burn off during your session immediately. It will not effect muscle repair and they can be replenished at any time later that day or even the next day with subsequent meals .

Next argument for carbs After training is that it causes insulin to rise and insulin an "anabolic Hormone and will force feed the muscle with nutrients.

You dont need to force feed the muscle with protein Post workout they want the protein .

"If your hungry and somebody placed your favourite meal in front of you, It would take much persuasion for you to eat it " Right?

Similarly after training session your damaged muscle tissue is receptive to amino acids and will suck them up regardless if insulin is present or not.


here's the thing ,Carbs pre workout are of benefit to you. You see insulin is protective by nature and will prevent breakdown of muscle and in addition it will force the nutrient rich blood into the tissue before the workout .essentially beginning the recovery process before you even start.

There's a catch.

Make sure you dont take Your carb/Protein shake any more than 20-30 mins pre workout . Otherwise you will have a sugar crash before the session and get lethargic and tired which is an obvious no -no

Hope that helps lol.