Sport Post workout meal w/o supplements

Sport Fitness
I cannot currently afford any supplements. In the past I've been using either N-large (weight gainer) for my post workout nutrition, or some recovery bars. Not a big fan of supplements tho.

I have no problem with eating whole (solid) foods right after my workout. I was wondering what kind of food should I eat.
Chicken breast or fish, some brown rice and some grape juice. That's what I had today right after my workout. Does that sound okay? What would you suggest?

Chicken breast/fish - source of protein
brown rice - complex carbs
grape juice- fast acting carbs, glucose

The grape juice also had some sugar added to it, is it still okay?
I'm willing to buy dextrose if it would help my post workout meal
That looks like a pretty good post workout meal.

It is true that the sugar added juice isn't ideal, but it won't kill you. Finish that off and look for no sugar added juice the next time you go shopping.

Some may disagree, but dextrose isn't really all that necessary. You will get the same effect form the simple sugars in your "real food" meal. You also get the other benefits from real food like fiber and antioxidants.

Also, don't worry too much about other supplements. They're more of a convenience thing than anything else. You are getting all you need from the food you are eating.
But still, dextrose is cheap as hell, and it is very very effective. I mean with a GI rating of 100 or so, it's hard to beat. And after heavy lifting, or HIIT, you want carbs with a high GI. Then an hour or so later, brown rice with chicken is perfect. I always have whey (quick digesting) with dextrose (quick digesting) after lifting, then eat something like rice and chicken an hour later. Cent for cent, I don't think you can beat dextrose. - NOW Dextrose - Corn Sugar! On sale now!

There's a link to some. I'd just get the 15 pound bag, its 22 bucks, but it will last you a long, long time. Just my opinion.
Thanks for the replies.
When I think about it, It would less of hassle to get a supplement, it would be very convinient in fact .I decided to get a supp for my post workout meal. There are some decent gainer shakes that contain what is needed post workout, and I also looked into Amino Acids.
So my question is?
Would it be better to have a decent gainer-shake postworkout, or Amino Acids will do a better job for ?
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Not a big fan of supplements tho.

That's what I had today right after my workout. Does that sound okay? What would you suggest?

Chicken breast/fish - source of protein
brown rice - complex carbs
grape juice- fast acting carbs, glucose

The grape juice also had some sugar added to it, is it still okay?

I'm willing to buy dextrose if it would help my post workout meal

Any carb with a HI GI score somewhere between a score of 70 - 100 will help optimize the rate at which your body refuels itself - and ' ideally ' that's the type of carb you want to have soon after a workout.

You mentioned dextrose above - which is a good example of a carb with a HI GI score score ( close to a score of 100 I think ). But, any HI Score ' carb from any common food ( product ) source will do - you don't need to rely exclusively on supplements. Simply finding a carb with a GI score of 80 or above would be a good way to go IMO.

Some quick examples of some 80+ Score carbs you could store in your gym bag to have along with your protein shake would be......

- pretzels
- Rice / Corn Chex cereal
- Crispix cereal
- jelly bean candy
- gummi bear candy
- Rice cakes
- dates​
some really useful info there thanx everyone

ive noticed supplement getting cheaper and cheaper in the uk