Post-Workout - How many grams of protein?

I am looking to build muscle, how many grams of protein should I consume right after a workout?

I always thought 20-30 but now I am reading something about the 4-1 ratio (carb-protein). I bought a recovery drink that only has 10 grams of protein in initial reaction is "not enough".

Any feedback would be much appreciated
I am looking to build muscle, how many grams of protein should I consume right after a workout?

I always thought 20-30 but now I am reading something about the 4-1 ratio (carb-protein). I bought a recovery drink that only has 10 grams of protein in initial reaction is "not enough".

Any feedback would be much appreciated

I would tend to agree with you as far as not enough. However, what really matters is what you're eating throughout the whole day. Keep in mind that nutrition around your workout becomes increasingly important the lower deficit that you have. If, on the other hand, you're eating above maintenance, it doesn't much matter as your body has all the calories it needs to draw from. That said, conventional wisdom is a 2:1 protein to carb ratio, not 4:1 (that'd be really high). I would suggest if you have to throw out an "arbitrary number", 25-30 grams post workout would be good. The jury really is still out on whether pre, post, or both are most important. But the general idea now is that none of them are AS important as previously thought, in the sense that you don't need to down whey isolate + waxy maize 30 minutes post workout or you'll die :).

If you want a concrete example, check this out:

I tend to disagree slightly with the numbers. I would go with more a of .20 than necessarily .25 g/lb BW, but that's up to you. And I don't go crazy about ratios either. I do 1:1 or 1.5:1 sometimes, because I don't think it makes much difference.
ride is right make sure your not just having your protein intake only after workout. spread it out all day. the average human body can only process 60g of protein at a time so no more then that anything less is fine though, and make sure your getting at least 25 after your workout.