Post-workout & Bedtime protein

Hi guys =) . I wanna know what brand of post(or pre-) workout protein shake
you guys use and recommend.
Also, what brand of casein, or bedtime protein would you recommend?

I currently drink 1 scoop of ON 100% whey in water 30 minutes before workout and one more scoop in milk 10 minutes after workouts. Any suggestions?
ON is a good brand name, many many ppl use that one. its a good choice. i use dymatize myself.

bedtime you could do cottage cheese or milk to get some casein. i get a custom blended milk/egg protein powder from but i use it in my homemade mrp :)
For your post work-out meal, don't have the milk - you want the plain whey w/ water because it is so quickly absorbed into your muscles. The casein is absorbed slower, which is why it's ideal to have before bed - to prevent catabolism while sleeping.

I also use ON
wait spockafina, so by putting whey into milk (hence having whey+casein) you make the whey absorb just as slow as the casein????? i figured b/t milk & water there would be a couple minute difference just because of the density of milk, not nessecarily that long..?
I know some competitors who, for their before-bed-meal, have they whey + milk because of the casein.

Anyways, you want to feed your muscles as soon as you can after lifting - and having casein (even w/ whey) just isn't going to do it fast enough.
i dont mean to be a nag.. but i dont think i worded the question right. i put whey protein powder into milk bc i like the way milk tastes and it has some sugars to move the protein, but since the milk has casein in it, it will slow down the whey powder??
if i have a steak about an hour before i work out, my muscles have a ready supply of protein right? and if my hour is about an hour long, and i pump a chicken breast 30 minutes through, then one after, is there anything wrong with that? i did it before, and i didnt feel sick or anything, didnt throw up, felt fine. drank more than plenty of water.
nope nothing wrong, but some whey afterwards is highly reccomended even tho you have some reg protein already in your body!
actually the tide is beginning to turn about whey and casein pwo. a couple of ppl who know their stuff are starting to say that the "whey absorbs fast, casien too slow" for pwo isnt exactly correct. craig ballyntyne and alan aragon are two of those ppl and i highly respect them

even john berardi says chocolate milk can be done pwo. :)
the whey powder and milk will coagulate in your stomach which will slow the absorption of the whey. as to how slow I don't remeber maby around 20min (just a wild guess) and is alan and them talking about the breakdown time? and the late timing of ether proteins? or somthing else? you should clear that up.
the way they put it is that nutrient timing isnt as important as some are making it out to be. its overall nutrition and getting your meals in thats key and its true, thats how its always been. its the experts and their science and trying to confuse ppl that makes things seem more difficult than they need be.

talk to older guys who lifted 30, 40, 50 years ago and tell them about timing and sugar pwo and see how long they laugh. theres no puzzle to solve pwo, experts are just trying to make money off us. ;)
ok well whey is the fastest and it's absorption is 30 min and breakdown is 120min so thats 150 min or 2 & 1/2 houres before the protein is used in your cells. thats a while, so this makes sence. this must be what there talking about. and it's known to me that overall casein is the better protein. this subject has much more to be descused, unfortunatly I don't have much time to research it right.
is it ok to eat my evening meal "before" workout rather than after?
I noticed most people seem to be doing their workout and then eating the carbs / protein that they need to refuel, but is it ok to do this first and then just have something small like a protein shake afterwards?....(followed by supper later on)
I don't see why not. as long as it's not getting in the way IE: making you feel bad. but I doubt that will happen. go for it
jonny100 said:
is it ok to eat my evening meal "before" workout rather than after?
I noticed most people seem to be doing their workout and then eating the carbs / protein that they need to refuel, but is it ok to do this first and then just have something small like a protein shake afterwards?....(followed by supper later on)
It is essential to get proper post work-out nutrition. It doesn't work if you do it backwards.
so basically if I was to start doing weights in the evenings I should postpone my evening meal slightly and have it after weights instead? and perhaps make the afternoon snack slightly later so that the gap isn't as big?

I'm asking this because the only time I can really do weights is in the evening.
Alternatively, do I need to eat my evening meal AND a post-workout meal to refuel with?
I'm unsure of the timing of your meals, but you could have your evening meal about an hour before lifting. Right after lifting, have your post work-out meal. If you have another hour or two before bed, squeeze in another post pwo meal (carbs+protein). It's not detrimental to eat so close to bed, contrary to a lot of rumours. So long as you are staying in your calorie budget, eating that late will not hinder your fat loss. But the pwo and post-pwo meals are perhaps the two most important meals of the day.
ok, here's my timings:

meal 1: 7am (post HIIT)

meal 2: 11am (school break)

meal 3: 1pm (school lunch)

meal 4: 4pm (when I get home)

meal 5: 6pm (dinner)

meal 6: 8-9pm (supper)

I could only do a weights workout in-between meals 5 and 6, so do you think maybe instead of just having cottage cheese and milk for supper I should throw in some carbs and whey protein? Or do I need another meal post workout?

I can post my meal plans as well if that helps.