Post Work Out Supp

Hi All,

Im currently using CNP`s Pro Recover for my PWO supp, although im coming to the end of it and I was wondering if you guys had any recomendations for me?

Im looking for lean muscle mass and a lil bodyfat 6 days (3 weights 3 cardio) and have a good diet high protein Med carbs.............
as long as you know its hard to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time...

PWO is really about nutrition. protein, simple carbs, and if you want it, creatine monohydrate (since its a supp that actually works).

shakes are popular post workout since for many of us, eating a whole meal after squatting just isn't appealing.

depending on your goals, a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein is normal for the shake.
for ready made stuff, looke for Biotest's "Surge". or, get a good protein shake, and add dextrose or maltodextrin.

but you HAVE to weigh the dextrose or malto. a scoop of protein power might net you 30g of protein, but it WILL NOT be 30g of dextrose per scoop. I think my 25g protein scoop (29cc) yielded 45grams of dextrose.

so, use your kitchen scale to determine how much a 'scoop' of dextrose equals.

you can play with that ratio too. I've used a .5:1 carbs to protein ratio when trying to cut carbs out. its still enough to help spike insulin PWO.
I just like to have a protein shake post workout. Usually with some fruit blended in. The protein I get comes from It's great and has helped me see results, both in muscle gain and fat loss. It's not impossible to do both at the same time, but it does take some effort.
as long as you know its hard to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time...

PWO is really about nutrition. protein, simple carbs, and if you want it, creatine monohydrate (since its a supp that actually works).

shakes are popular post workout since for many of us, eating a whole meal after squatting just isn't appealing.

depending on your goals, a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein is normal for the shake.
for ready made stuff, looke for Biotest's "Surge". or, get a good protein shake, and add dextrose or maltodextrin.

but you HAVE to weigh the dextrose or malto. a scoop of protein power might net you 30g of protein, but it WILL NOT be 30g of dextrose per scoop. I think my 25g protein scoop (29cc) yielded 45grams of dextrose.

so, use your kitchen scale to determine how much a 'scoop' of dextrose equals.

you can play with that ratio too. I've used a .5:1 carbs to protein ratio when trying to cut carbs out. its still enough to help spike insulin PWO.
thanks for your advice guys,

Malkor I know im setting myself a dam hard task of shedding bodyfat and building muscle, Im pretty new at this and the more Im reading up on this forum Im coming to understand I need to fully concentrate on one then the set myself the fun goal of bulking up with some muscle, so more quality carbs, high protein and some good fats......and a ***** load of hard work!

As for the "surge" ive not come across tha one, although a fair few people in the gym are swearing by "afterglow" by biorythm, not sure if you get that in the states.

Cheers for the info and advice guys and gals!
Sorry Joe, i disagree. You should drink your PWO meal dont eat it.
As for a good PWO drink, i agree with malkore. I mix maltodextrin and with my whey at 1:1 ratio. Some use more, some less. But this works for me now.

The good part about making your own drink is that you can play with the numbers, adjust to what works for you. If you want to put on more muscle, you increase the carbs. If you want to lose fat, you decrease the carbs.