Weight-Loss Post-binge help!



New member
I was doing great with my diet, but I really lost it today. I ate so much ice cream! I'm already struggling with getting back on track.

Do you guys have any suggestions for what to do post-binge? Do you try to work out extra? Do you just try to go back to your diet? Do you try to make it more or less restrictive?
Ask yourself why you binged to begin with... (as Iput on my Dr Phil hat) what were you expecting to get from the ice cream? Binging occurs for a reason usually... Knownig what the reason was helps for the future...

But post binge - get back up on the horse... and keep going forward
Tell yourself it was just one day; no big deal. Jump back on the horse. The horse just bucks sometimes. You really need to explore why you did it. Find alternatives to food when you feel like that. I'm no expert, I am just learing myself. Don't hold it against yourself.
Yes, what I've realised is that you've got the rest of your life to lose it in actuality, sometimes like life itself it'll throw you to the side, but you just have to get back on and keep driving forward :)