Sport Pomegranate Taste?

Sport Fitness

I was reading in Men's Health that this stuff is amazing at cleaning your arteries. It sounds as if it could help me get my system in check after being obese for so many years. Do you guys and gals drink the stuff?
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Wow! I just purchased some of this juice and had it with my lunch. It was pretty damn tasty but friggin expensive. Three servings of the juice was $6, ouch. It was the POM brand.
If you ever eat a pomegranite, you will see why the juice is expensive. The meat is all hidden away in the rinds and I would imagine its hard to get at for juice making purposes. Probably cheaper to just buy pomegranites and eat them, since they take a while to eat they are great for munching on while you watch TV or w/e
Yeah, it is if you don't like eating seeds. Basically the meat surrounds the seed in a bubble of juicy goodness. After a while, I just get lazy and eat the seeds too. Or chew a lot of pomegranite meat and spit out a ton of chewed-up seeds.
I have just recently been introduced to pomegranates about 2 months ago, in seed form, I thought they were positively great, especially if you consider my friend did all the work, but I still dont know where to get the fruit, and never heard of the juice, and have no idea where I can get it, please let me know where I could possibly get at both the fruit and the juice, maybe Wal-Mart or GNC ? thank you.
Test 187 said:
I have just recently been introduced to pomegranates about 2 months ago, in seed form, I thought they were positively great, especially if you consider my friend did all the work, but I still dont know where to get the fruit, and never heard of the juice, and have no idea where I can get it, please let me know where I could possibly get at both the fruit and the juice, maybe Wal-Mart or GNC ? thank you.

Price Chopper/Sun Fresh/Hy-Vee all have it. They keep it in the cold section near produce usually.
Go to any local fruit market, and look for "Indian Apples." Pomegranite juice is really good, and very good for you. Yeah but places round' here have "Pomegranite juice", but the actual fruit is called an Indian Apple. Like everyone else said, there pretty big, bout same size as a Mango. Its to much work for me to constantly be spitting out the seeds, so after peeling off them all from the actual fruit, I'll pop in bout small handful ata time, chew it down til' theres nothing left. Ahem, Thats where we seperate the men from the boys. :D J/K
Costco has large bottles that make it more economical than the little bottles for the same price in the grocery store.
Wal-mart has POM Wonderful, in the refrigerated produce section.