Polar Heart Rate Monitor

I've been closely monitoring my weight loss thru doing cardio at 70% - 80% of my heart rate. For example on the trackmill, i notice that in order to be in the fat loss range i can only run at a certain "slow" speed. Is this normal? If so, does that mean i'm not training my endurance at the same time?
Fat loss occurs at two times, primarily:
1. During really low intensity exercises (walking, reading, smiling, etc :))
2. During long endurance cardio, after about 20 minutes of exercise

Body fat is difficult to liberate from fat cells, so for higher intensity activity, carbohydrates are preferred over fats. After 20 minutes of endurance exercise, carbohydrate stores begin to be tapped, so the body does a split between carbs and fats. Note that if you run at a very slow speed to target fat loss, you're going to be burning fewer calories overall.