It's poker night tonight and I'm on a cut. We're talking beer and pizza. I won't be indulging in either. It's bananas, protein shakes, peanuts and a lot of piss taking for me. This sucks.
Being the sober one sucks because you can't join in their discussions (because they're talking crap but don't realise).
What about trying to replicate being drunk with 0 calories? Options that spring to mind are glue sniffing or inhailing exhaust fumes from a car
Better still, you could try talking your friends into ditching beer altogether and taking up class A drugs instead. Do a bit of Charlie before your game and the booze won't be missed; and as an added bonus you'll probably have scrapped the cards after about 10 minutes and gone to a strip club instead!
Which to be honest is what you should have planned from the start anyway
I'm taking more piss from you guys than I did at the poker game
It's poker night tonight and I'm on a cut. We're talking beer and pizza. I won't be indulging in either. It's bananas, protein shakes, peanuts and a lot of piss taking for me. This sucks.