PLS HELP. need energy!!

heres my situation. I work a 10 hour Midnight shift from 10:30pm to 08:30am. I usually sleep the whole day after work. I want to start working out before work but i have no energy what so ever. Just wondering whats better for energy...vitamins or other pre work out supplements. if so, whats good to take for vitamins and pre work out supps ????
heres my situation. I work a 10 hour Midnight shift from 10:30pm to 08:30am. I usually sleep the whole day after work. I want to start working out before work but i have no energy what so ever. Just wondering whats better for energy...vitamins or other pre work out supplements. if so, whats good to take for vitamins and pre work out supps ????

Eat complex carbs hour and a half before the workout.Also, use caffeine i.e drink some coffee 10 minutes before you start your workout. That might raise your energy levels.
There are many energy drinks/bars, but they're not really good, because they're packed with sugar.
I went cold turkey on caffeine and after the headaches went away, noticed no decrease in energy.

I agree: Balanced diet with complex carbs and, of course, there is no substitute for sleep.
The best thing for energy is this:

1. Well constructed diet, 2. Surrounded with proper fitness exercise and rest, 3. Continually feeding your brain the personally-proper input that motivates you to do 1 and 2.

The circumference of these 3 are powerful, BABY! ;) Get fired up! Stand and deliver, rattle your floor and do much more! :)


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I rarely drink coffee, Maybe once a week.
The one time in the week that I drink it, it's very effective and gives me
energy/alertness .
However is you're a regular coffee drinker I'm sure that the sensitivity to it is much lower and it's less efficient.
I agree that a solid healthy diet with plenty of complex carbs is the best answer to the question
The following will determine your energy level:

0) Thoughts. Have happy thoughts. Do this by doing happy things. Play with yourself - no not that kind of playing - and associate yourself among others who are happy. Simply being around people who are happy can make you happy thus making you have energy boost.

1) Fluid. Water does the body wonder. Drinking soda, coffee, etc are no subsistute for water. Drink water often, and drink plenty of water.

2) Exercise. Just moving around helps. Take a walk or something. You can also try weight lifting, running, swimming, etc.

3) Diet. Eating poor things like chips, snacks, fast food, etc are not good eating habits. Eat whole food all day, and try to limit or restrict fast food and candies. Eating fruits and veggies will really help with energy level.

4) Sleep. No amount of exercise, diet, or fluid can replace a good sleep. Sleeping should be at least 8 hours, but for some it can take 10-12 hours before they're fully rested. Per week, you should spend somewhere around 84-112 hours up. The rest should be spent sleeping.
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Need Energy!


Just like you. I work 12 hours shifts in a busy Emergency Room in NY from 7 PM till 7 AM.

Been doing this for drive home is only 15 minutes but I doze off periodically many times, until I started on an energy supplement drink. Now I can even send my daughter to school in the morning and pick her up in the afternoon, get an hour of power nap and back to work again...3-4 nights a week is my routine.

PM me if you'd like to know more.

Fitline Champ NY
I work midnight-9:00 am. When I first started that shift, I slept from 9:30am - 5:30pm. Then I would wake up, eat dinner, and have enough energy to go to the gym. I changed my schedule a bit because I didn't like never being awake during daylight, now I get out of work, come home and eat something (with complex carbs and protein) and I have tons of energy at the gym. Once I get home, shower and sit around for a bit it's a different story. Then I sleep from 3:30pm -11:30 pm
Sounds like you need to break your current habits to me. I used to work the night shift as well, and when I woke up in the afternoon, I just wanted to sit around and do nothing. Once you make the attempt the first few days, you'll have the energy to go.