Sport Pls comment on my DIET. Thank You!

Sport Fitness
Hello. im 21 years old 5'11 and about 175 at the moment. I work out 6 days a week alternating between weights and basketball. My goals are to get abs and stay fir enough for basketball and weights. Here's my diet which pretty much stays the same everyday.

Morning - Breakfast (normal complete breakfast) e.g. protein and carbs

Mid Morning - Snack - protein shake or fruits

Mid Day - Lunch (normal complete lunch) e.g. protein and carbs

Mid Afternoon - Snack - 2 egg whites

Pre Workout - Protein Shake

Post Workout - Protein Shake

Dinner - Cutting on the carbs

Before i sleep - Protein Shake

When i do a protein shake it's just normally water and whey. With the carbs, i'm heavy on white rice or potatoes. With protein, usually it's egg whites, chicken breast or tuna. On Satudays nights, i drink in moderation but i make sure to burn it the next day with cardio. Could anyone help me or suggest ways to improve/correct my diet if there are errors. My goal is to get that elusive six pack! THANK YOU ALL! BTW, THIS SITE IS AWESOOOOME!
Brown rice instead of white...
hey. usually its a cup of rice, a cup of veggies and meat. what i mean by meat is pork, beef or chicken cooked in every way you can imagine. sp.. help guys. snack is basically whey+water and fruit. any comments?
That's not too bad, but I agree with shafdude, that many protein shakes in one day is a bit much... I would try to focus on getting some of your protein from whole foods - you can blend up some tofu or plain yogurt in a smoothie. Cottage cheese with fruit is a great snack. Or have a small fruit smoothie with a handful of almonds or some other nuts. Apple slices dipped in a bit of almond or peanut butter works too :)
thanks a lot! :) ill try to keep my protein natural from now on. but im still gonna have shakes before and after workout? what do you think? :)
It really just depends on your goals. If weight loss is one of your goals, you might have to look at your overall intake and see if you are consuming too many calories.

Are you having the same shake before and after your workout? Typically, it's recommended to have complex carbs pre-workout, then a combination of complex carbs and protein within about 30 mins after a workout. However, like everything in the fitness field, this is debatable.
Thanks a lot jeremeneses for share your views. I'll try to maintain it to get a fit body.