Sport Please tell me what you think of this plan...

Sport Fitness
Alright, two weeks ago I joined the gym and want get fit, toned, and feel great. I am a college student, and I also work usually around 4pm-10pm a few days a week. I know its important to eat lots of small meals throughout the day, but during my busy days, its almost impossible, and right now, I simply end up eating a small breakfast, a massive lunch, and a massive dinner. Here is what I had in mind for a meal plan on these days:

Wake up 7-8am
Eat Breakfast(medium sized meal) +Protein Shake

Get to class 9-10
Powerbar, Water (small meal)

Class 9/10-12
Lunch (medium sized meal) +Protein Shake

Powerbar +Protein Shake

4/5pm - Go to work
7-8pm - (I get a 15min break)
Dinner, Something Healthy (medium sized meal)

11pm-12am - Snack Powerbar +Protein Shake

I just used the powerbar as a representative for a healthy snack, around 200 calories...

Also, a few random questions maybe someone can answer:

1. I drink 1-2 sugarfree redbulls almost every day, should I stop?
2. Right now, im trying to simply get toned, Should I even bother with Protein Shakes?
3. Supplements!!! Whats good/whats not, if theres anything that can accelerate the fat loss without severe health risks, ill take it. I sometimes Use a redline drink or black perl before the gym, but it has so many warnings, I dont know if I should use it! lol.

Well thats it for now, Please give me some suggestions on how to get things moving in the right direction. Thanks! :)
1. decrease bars big time dude---and if you NEED to eat bars, eat good bars--low-carb if you're cutting. PureProtein, Myoplex Carb Sense, etc.

2. Shakes are fine, just don't make them your every meal. Only out of necessity.

3. Where's your workout and stats? Age/height/weight/bf, and when do you work out?

Gotta have that info so everyone here can help you out the best we can brotha
18 years old, 5'10", ~180lbs.

I go to the gym around 3-4 times a week, usually at the end of the day. First, I stretch my legs, run half a mile (I increase the speed at which I run it as it becomes easier) Then I do some benching, work my bi's, tri's, lap pulldown, i get one of those massive balls and lay down on it for some situps (so much harder than on a floor). My legs are already massive naturally ( Idk how, they just are) So Im mainly trying to tone up my upper body while building endurance from running. At the end of the workout, I run another half a mile and stretch.
Thanks for posting info man...

First off, WAY too much running! You should do your cardio AFTER weight work; the reason for this being that while you work your muscles, glycogen stores (what your muscles use for energy) will be depleated. By the time you do your cardio, you can dip into fat stores for energy more effeciently. The prior is if you NEED to do cardio post-workout. Cardio is usually recommended to be done on a totally seperate day, or at LEAST 7-8 hours before/after a weight session on the same day. Since I lift 5 times per week, I do my cardio fasted, in the morning, then go back later in the day and hit the weights--works great for me. If you NEED to do cardio PWO, do around 15 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), as this will catapult fat burning.

If you're lifting 3x per week, I'm assuming you're doing a full-body workout (FBW). If you're not--DO IT! Check out the forums for some good FBW workouts in a search, I know they're around, I was looking at some yesterday in a thread. Hope that info can help you out man.

Other than that, how's your nutrition? None of what I said matters if you're eating is crap. Think GIGO (garbage in, garbage out)
Getting toned is too vague. Does that mean you trying to build muscle or lose fat to show your existing muscle? I assume it's the latter, but I'm guessing.

If that's the case, you want to manage your calories. I'd take a much closer look at what you're eating, as recommended in the last post. And honestly, you don't need 6 meals and 4 protein shakes a day. I would bet that your caloric intake is higher than you expect, while the nutritional content is lower.
I have the same problem as you, class hours messing up my meals. Check out the home made bars in recipe section. You make them with your own whey protein, tweak them to how you want them to taste, and they are way better for you. Will save you alot of cash too.