Here ya go. You're right, eat as many fruits and veggies as you want. For the most part, their nutritional value far outweights their caloric value.
As far as carbs go, the browner the better. Eat wheat bread, buns, bagels pastas. Eat brown rice. Don't eat white anything. Wheat and brown carbs are normally whole grains that have not been processed. They normally contain more fiber. Why is this good? The more complex a carb, the longer it takes your body to break it down. That means that you have a longer "window" to burn those calories. Simple sugars and white carbs are broken down by the body much quicker. If you dont burn those calories they will be stored for later. that equals fat.
There are good fats and bad fats. Some are heart healthy, some are not. If you are trying to lose weight, limit fat. Fat has 9 calories per gram. Carbs and protein have 4. If you are trying to lose weight you need to restrict the intake of calories and maximze the output. That means cut out the bad fats completely and limit the good. Bad fats include animal fats and dairy fats. Good fats include nuts, seeds, and fish.
The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. That means if you have more muscle, you will have a faster metabolism. You need to build muscle to lose weight and keep it off. Muscle needs protein to grow, so make sure you get enough. normally 1 to 1.5 gram per pound of body weight is sufficient.
the bottom line is if you can create a consistent calorie defieciency you will lose weight. The tips above will help you be healthy and keep the weight off.