Weight-Loss Please open i need help! will my diet work [details inside]?



New member

i really want to lose weight!!
so starting tomorrow im going to start on my diet

im 16 years old & weigh
153 lbs

im around 5'3 & 5'5

Im a size 13 in jeans & i personally think thts really big
my hips are huge!
And for this reason i want to lose weight

I now i can lose weight because i've lost it b4 and ended up with horrible strech marks

i went from a size 13 to a size 7
and that was wen i was in mex

so my diet plans are that
from tomorrow and on i wil only eat

lunch in school which are nachos
and nothing else but that if i get hungry during the rest of the day im thinking of eating only fruits

do you guys think this will help me lose weight. please dnt tell me i have to exercise too

because thiers a problem i have no running machine i cant go out and run the amount i could but i could follow a routine like

100 sit up every day...
etc please help me!

Any routine thath may help me! please

Help Me!

thanks in advanced
You want to only eat nachos and fruit?

so...you're going to live solely off of processed corn chips, cheese, and sugar? [yes lots of fruit can amount to a high intake of sugar]

That's what? a grand total of 300/400? calories a day, if not waaay less.

That's starvation. It's also exceedingly unhealthy.

Why don't you try eating breakfast? Doesn't need to be big. And don't give me "I hate breakfast/it makes me sick/I don't have time" I've used every excuse in the book and I eat breakfast every single day.

I'm sure your school offers real meals, does your school contain a salad bar?
If your school is like any other public school system you should have a choice of a main food item, some fruit, and dairy.

Use fruit as a snack.
Eat veggies for dinner, try some lean meats.

You don't need machines. Run any amount you can. Go for long walks. Do jumping jacks, jump rope, look online for in home exercises. There's absolutely no excuse for not exercising

YOU are trying to eat little so that you wont have to exercise. Problem? You're depriving your body, you'r e going to make yourself sluggish and tired, and chances are, you more than likely will end up gaining weight if you follow your nacho/fruit diet because at some point, you're going to get exceedingly hungry and actually eat REAL food, which you're going to retain.

If you do things the right way, you have less of a chance of failing or harming your body.

Don't make excuses, read up on the forum and look up exercises online.

100 sit ups wont burn fat [they'll help muscle which burns fat but by themselves they wont burn much fat]
It'll work your muscles but it's not cardio.
Push ups are not cardio.
Those are strength exercises.
Oh sweetie, please tell me you're not serious about just eating nachos and fruit. Where have you ever heard that depriving yourself of food and important nutrients is a good thing??

I would suggest:

1. Take up some reading. If you are really serious about losing weight, you need to approach it as "learning to be healthier" and the weight loss will happen. GO to the bookstore or library and get some books on healthy lifestyles and exercising. Stay AWAY from fad diets and programs that promise unrealistic amounts of weight loss in little time.

2. If you are 16, then you need to have AT LEAST 1200-1400 calories a day or you are gonna feel like crap and increase your chances of failure. Start with 1800-2000 calories and add some exercise into your weekly routine. If you haven't lost any weight after 2-3 weeks, then lower the daily calories by 100. Do this until you get results. THis will insure that you don't starve yourself then binge.

3. Take up weight lifting along with your cardio. Muscle burns more calories at a restful state and it makes you look thinner and more fit regardless of what the scale says.

4. Wander around this forum and make some friends. I've been here for 2 1/2 years and have made close friends with many members. Friends I'll probably have for life. Plus, we've ALL been there. There is a wealth of knowledge here, take advantage of it!!!

Good luck with your endeavor. I hope you succeed with your goals but in a very healthy way.

Oh yeah, I meant to tell you there isn't ANYTHING wrong with big hips. I know in high school it may seem like a big deal, but curves are a very attractive thing. Accentuate it!!
Thanks amy
i guess your right

im probably going to stick eating 1800-2000
& exercisee

i have no other choice than to eat nachos in school because they dnt have salads etc

the only think they have is nachos,pizza, or a chicken sandwich with fries

& i hate meat so i dnt eat any

pizza is not my fav so i stick to eating nachos
but thanks

you were very helpful

i'll lose weight the healthy way!
Can you take your lunch?? I took my lunch to work every day to ensure I had healthy options. Invest in a small cooler/lunchbox.
Where do you live? Most schools either allow you to bring a lunch or offer healthy options.
Can you possibly get a note from your doctor? I'm sure they can't deny you a healthy lunch. I'm pretty sure they would have to allow you if you had a doctor's note.
Hello pink,
I think this article help u.
"Everyone has this goal in mind, they want to weigh what they weighed when they remember being their skinniest, their tiniest, their smallest...the problem is, you were probably 18!" Dr. Phil tells the Challengers. "It's ridiculous. You can't set those unrealistic goals. You need to figure the weight that you can responsibly, comfortably be at."

The goal, he explains, is to set a "get-real weight" that you can live with mentally, emotionally, physically and medically.

Your "get-real" weight has little to do with numbers on a scale or other device. It means:

# You like your body and live in it with pride
# You are happy and truly at peace with your size.
# You accept your God-given uniqueness.
# You like what you see in the mirror every day.
# You focus your attention on living well, rather than looking good.

So, lovingly accept yourself, your natural body frame, your height, your bone structure, your entire genetic makeup — and set your sights on goals that match these factual realities, goals that you can realistically achieve. There is an optimal you, but it can only come from getting real about yourself and setting realistic expectations for success, so that you can become a "supermodel" or "superstar" in your own life, on your own terms, and according to your own standards of fitness.