Weight-Loss Please Help.

Hi everyone.
Well, i guess I'll start out by explaining the situation.

I'm 18 years old, I JUST finished year 12 today.
I am overweight, I weigh 95 kilograms, i put that into a converter, which is 209 lbs, which is a disgrace, I can look good if i wear black, mainly because i have broad shoulders, but other that, I hate the look of my body.

I guess my main problem is, I am still living at home, my mom has always done everything for me, and since year 7 when i moved to this town, i had to make friends with the geek that got me into my first RPG (role playing game)
Since then, straight after school, I'm on the computer, on weekends, I'm on the computer from the time i wake up until around 7 when i go out and drink scotch (how bad is scotch for you?)

For Christmas, although it was embarrassing, i got an exercise bike, then for my birthday, a weight thing, which does pecks legs arms everything, the whole junk machine if you aren't already skinny.

i ride 10kms a day, do 100 situps and everytime i get bored do a set of 10 of everything on the weight machine.

God i hate saying this, my gut hangs over and i have manboobs, its so bad.

My mother has agree'd to buy everything food wise, as long as i cook it myself, now that i'm not going to school/working YET :(!!!
it should be easy to follow a diet,
please does anyone have a diet in which has 2 weeks worth of recipes that are VERY VERY easy to cook?

i mean, i usually have nutrigrain for breakfast, 2 pies or nacho's for lunch, snack on chips in the afternoon then what ever i have for dinner is usually chips/mashed potatoe * meat * salad/veg and i mainly drink coke/water

i don't know what i should be eating for break lunch dinner and should be snacking on, i don't ever remember learning healthiness in school,
I plan on buying some running shoes because running in my 'skate' shoes just hurts my feet

but please, i understand that writing a full list for someone is just a massive cant be bothered, but if you could into a wordpad or something everytime you get bored, and then copy paste it after a week when you are done, or just ANY input would help please

i need to know, what i should be doing during the day exercise wise, and what i should be eating every day

thank you heaps for reading until the end
Its great that your mom has agreed to buy whatever you want. Eating is not at all that hard and making things in bulk works wonders. Here are some articles you should read that will give you some basics.

John Berardi - 7 Habits
John Berardi - Berardi's Kitchen, Part I
John Berardi - Complete Idiot's Guide to Dieting
John Berardi - Lean Eatin' Part I

Give those a read and see what questions you still have.
Think about it, what is natural? What is made of fresh food? It's not a very hard question to answer. Get rid of anything packaged such as cereal, canned soup, pies, etc. Then eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Have something like porridge for breakfast.

Exercise is important though it is not the solution. If you combine exercise with a good diet then you should definitely be able to lose weight. The first step is believing that you are able to do it.

When you walk in the supermarket, or when your mum does, make sure you/her doesn't buy anything packaged. These things are often packed with preserved as well as being deprived of the nutrients. Your body wants good food, food which it can use to heal and repair itself.

Eat 4 meals a day. I find this works good. This way your body isn't deprived of food, and it does not get too large amounts at one time, allowing the body to properly metabolise the food you eat. Obvious things like: avoid fatty foods, avoid fast food, just anything of the sort.

Google is your friend. It is packed with info on how to lose weight. A word of caution: don't buy anything that isn't highly recommended. There is a large amount of free information online. Good luck!
Think about it, what is natural? What is made of fresh food? It's not a very hard question to answer. Get rid of anything packaged such as cereal, canned soup, pies, etc. Then eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Have something like porridge for breakfast.

Exercise is important though it is not the solution. If you combine exercise with a good diet then you should definitely be able to lose weight. The first step is believing that you are able to do it.

When you walk in the supermarket, or when your mum does, make sure you/her doesn't buy anything packaged. These things are often packed with preserved as well as being deprived of the nutrients. Your body wants good food, food which it can use to heal and repair itself.

Eat 4 meals a day. I find this works good. This way your body isn't deprived of food, and it does not get too large amounts at one time, allowing the body to properly metabolise the food you eat. Obvious things like: avoid fatty foods, avoid fast food, just anything of the sort.

Google is your friend. It is packed with info on how to lose weight. A word of caution: don't buy anything that isn't highly recommended. There is a large amount of free information online. Good luck!

Why no fatty foods?

How does your body metabolize food differently if you don't eat 4 meals per day?
paying for the information doesn't mean it's going to be any better either... value comes not from the price of it -- but from it's individual worth...

it's bad analogy day : Is the oral gratification from the chick you picked up in the bar last weekend worse than the one you received from the 20 dollar hooker? :D