Sport Please help with plan for the day.....

Sport Fitness
Hi everyone, hope we all had good weekends.

1 1/2 hours of fat burning circuit training tonight, so would someone check this meal plan out please? Be critical! I'll have the protein shack after workout, otherwise this is the food i have with me or when i get in from the gym. is it too much?

im 73kg and aiming to remove fat from backside and the last bit around the stomach. im after toning and definition rather than muscle bulk, and have got pretty good with diet, even though im currently cold turkey from late night cereal.

8.30 - Bowl Bran Flakes with Almonds and Raisin

10.30 - 1 slice whomeal toast with wholenut peanut butter

1.00 - tuna pita bread with Spinach

4.00 - yoghurt (+ blueberry muffin - made myself, lower fat than normal!!!)

9.30 - roasted veg and chicken

plus ill have and apple and pear as snacks when i get bored. i have a protein smoothie (blueberry) with me, when should i have that???

thanks very much all.
1 and a half hours of fat burning circuit training?

Heh. You'll be burning more than fat that's for sure.
ok ok, i had a little extra peanut butter and 2 murray mints, someone offered, it was rude to refuse

what are the real effects of such indulgences?

What he meant was. If you go crazy with cardio you not only burn fat but also muscle. Take it easy don't do more than 45-60 minutes worth of cardio.
its not solid cardio, i do a 3 sets of freeweights excercise a, then skipping, then weights b, then 2 mins intense cardio etc etc so i do 4 groups with skipping to keep up heart rate and 4 intense cardios inc. rowing cycling and sprinting.

is that too much?